Chapter 23

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⚠️⚠️AUTHOR'S WARNING⚠️⚠️: THIS CHAPTER IS VERY DIFFERENT THAN ANY OTHER AND IN CASE YOU'RE A MINOR AND A SENSITIVE PERSON, I SUGGEST YOU TO SKIP IT. NSFW, swearing.⚠️ And this chapter is pretty long. For anyone else, you're free to read, at your own risk :)

🌞Sundrop's POV🌞:

          Our day was spent by talking about many things, sad, cool, delightful, joyful and meaningful topics. Since we couldn't do anything else. I am not that upset about the fact that I'm suddenly blind, it's not about me. I am more sad because of the fact I couldn't make a beautiful day for Moon. We could have done so much more...

          Well, the things cannot always go right as planned, unfortunately. However, having long conversations about so many things was not that bad, not at all. And after all of that, in the end of the day, we went to sleep cuddling. It was very cozy. Even despite the fact that metal isn't that soft at all- Logically said. However, love doesn't think or do things logically. Don't you agree?

          The night was passing as usual. Just sleeping it was. The thing that woke me up was a noise of something. I suppose it was someone having a conversation in the room. It was not that loud, however, it still managed to wake me up. Getting up from the bed I realized what is happening and I have no regrets. It was a good thing that I woke up after all.

          It was Moondrop, already awake and talking to... a woman? I could hear a female voice talking in near. I didn't know who she was. Why was she here, and why so early? I suppose the sun didn't even come out yet. It's pretty silent. What does she want? That are some of many questions I was asking myself. Then Moon noticed I was awake and sitting on the bed.

🌜- Oh, you're awake my Starlight! Good morning! - Moon announced with his usual soft and charming voice.

🐰- Good morning, Sun! - The lady spoke. Even though it's appreciated, how did she know my name?

🌞- Good morning there! - I said cheerily and happy as always. - What is up here so early?

🐰- Don't you worry, Sun. I just came here to wake up Moon for his flight.

🌜- Yes.

🌞- Oh, alright then. Since you somehow already know who I am, may I know who are you Miss?

🐰- Well of course! My name is Vanessa. - She had the same name as the officer Vanessa. Nice.

🌞- Such a pleasure to meet you, Vanessa.

🐰- It's my pleasure as well.

🌞- But why did you exactly had to wake him up? I'm sorry if I ask too much though-

🐰- No, no, it's alright. It's okay to want answers on questions you don't know. I will be Moondrop's guide in French.

🌞- Oh, that's nice.

🐰- Well, Moon, I will leave you now to pack the things you'd like to bring with you. And also to have a small goodbye talk with Sun. I'll wait for you at the exit of the PizzaPlex.

🌜- Alright, I'll be there in fifteen minutes.

🐰- Deal. See you!

🌜- Surely.

          That lady, Vanessa, got out of our room and from the sound I could hear she jumped into the ball pit. I guess it is safe for humans to jump down there. Probably enough to keep all the bones where they have to be. Not to break anything. Seems like we have fifteen minutes. Well, he's leaving soon I guess.

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