Chapter 15

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Sundrop's POV:

          It was late this long night. Pretty late. It was almost five hours after midnight. Moon was in the 'Cloud corner' alone. I was in our room thinking, alone as well... I feel bad and... Guilty. I feel so guilty for something. I did nothing wrong. So why should I feel this way then? I really couldn't tell you, or even my own self. Maybe I made a mistake. I didn't do anything bad. Did I? No.

          I know I didn't do anything that I should not. I do as I am programmed to. Playing with my sunshines it the only thing I can remember. It was just one normal day, normal night. Or... Was it really? Huh... It wasn't. Alright then. I guess I could admit it. Something bad did happen today. Something very bad did happen on that one day... July 16th. It just doesn't feel right. It's not right to me in any way. I can not accept what I did. I am supposed to be perfect. I can't accept myself... Not like this.

          Something doesn't seem right, and it never will. Maybe I made a huge mistake then, and I repeated it now. I lied to Moon, I lied to myself... And he just wanted to make me feel better. For real. I acted stupid... Wait! He said he would be in 'Cloud Corner'. I think I should go and see him. He said he is open for a talk anytime. I do know that I do not deserve it at the moment. I have been a bad person at this moment. But I accepted what I had to! Sometimes, a small talk can solve anything. Right?

          I cleared everything within myself and decided to go straight to meet Moondrop, who was in the 'Cloud corner'. The things can get better. They always can. I have been bad, but not anymore. I can't make anyone blind like I did to myself. I stood in front of the 'Cloud corner' staring at the stars above me. I touched one pretty fluffy fake cloud before I managed to finally move myself and walk into the 'Cloud corner'. Then, I simply made my first steps in.

          It was dark in here. It's a little too dark if you ask me. The stars were not shining bright like they always do. Their light was not there. They were shut down if I could say which is actually painfully obvious. Even the fake puffy cotton clouds that usually have some soft light within them were shut darkest than the night. Everything was technically invisible because of all the scary darkness that swallowed it in a pitch-black void. This darkness was pretty spooky. It was silent as well. I couldn't see anything or hear a single fly. I got a little bit scared, afraid, and frightened by all this atmosphere of nothingness.

          The darkness started eating me as I froze because of fear and not knowing where to go. I didn't know where the light switch was, and still, even if I did, I probably would not have the ability to find it anyway. It was even pretty cold in here as well. Not too much, but you are probably able to get my point.

          I was right about to try to turn back and make up some light by pulling the curtains behind my back through which I came in. But right then, at the very moment I turned myself back, I just died inside when I saw a pair of ruby red eyes staring at my close face. ,,AGH JESUS!'', I screamed at the sudden view. I realized how it could be nothing and no one else than Moondrop. He was the only one here, as he said. I got relaxed at the fact, but fear and fright were still growing inside my very endoskeleton.

          He seems not to move or say anything. I didn't say or do anything as well. The silence with all this void darkness of nothingness became too much for me. And I think there is just no point in standing and staring at each others eyes like this forever.

🌞- Uhh.... Moony?

🌜- Mhm.

🌞- What are you... Doing here...?

🌜- ...

🌞- ...?

          This deadly silence and tension were killing and chilling me to the bone. Well, if I just had one of those. However, it looks like he didn't seem to respond in any way. He was not even moving anywhere, either. What was he trying to do? Is he mad at me? Well, if he is, I don't have the right to blame him in any way possible. I don't deserve any kind and shape of love or even a friend respect at this point. But something has got to happen soon, or we will stay like this forever!

🌞- Uhm... So, I-I came here t-to talk?

🌜- ... So you're finally ready to grow up and take responsibility for your actions?

🌞- Well... I-If you're gonna say it l-like that.

🌜- Alright then. Why are you stuttering? I can feel you're shaking as well.

🌞- ...

🌜- You are afraid?

🌞- Uh... It's p-pretty dark i-in here...

🌜- Oh yeah, but I thought you got over it, Starlight.

🌞- I-I thought too, but... It's too dark with all this silence and the red light-

🌜- Red light? What red light?

🌞- Uhm-

🌜- You mean my eyes? My eyes are scaring you?

🌞- K-kinda...

🌜- Hmm... You're afraid. You're afraid of me?

🌞- What? N-NO! I didn't say t-that!

🌜- But still, in fact... You are...

🌞- ... Oh, Moony... I re-

🌜- No Sun... If you wanna talk, I'll turn the lights on. If you don't, just leave. I'll stay here and be 'scary'. You won't see me...

🌞- Oh no... I-I wanna talk. Turn t-the lights o-on, please.

🌜- *Deep sigh*... Alright.

          Seems like he flew to turn the light switch. I could say because I couldn't see the lights of his bright eyes. I feel even more awful because I made him think how I look at him like at some monster... It's my fault I get scared easily... I made him feel like a true garbage. I hope this conversation will clear all the things up...

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