Chapter 27

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Author: Well, this might even be the fastest full chapter update ever. It's middle of the night but I won't mind writing more. If I wasn't into this, I wouldn't even start, right? So let's get this done! Enjoy!

🌜Moondrop's🌛 POV:

After a quiet and relaxing night, a bright new day finally came, ready to be explored. It was time to greet the sun outside! Wasn't it? I was awake for some longer time now, maybe a hour and a half? Who knows. I was spending that free time reading a book a brought while waiting for Miss Vanessa to wake up. Watching over at her asleep was just like watching asleep children in the Daycare through the 'Nap time'. Hehe.

After like, twenty more minutes, Miss Vanessa seemed to be awake. Right after saying the usual and polite: ,,Good morning!", I got out of the room, to give her some obvious privacy to get ready for the day. This day could be quite long and pretty interesting, indeed. I honestly can't wait to see where will we be heading today! I'm so excited!

More than half an hour passed now, and she was finally ready for the day. Putting some casual and comfortable clothing along with such a simple makeup. Nice, very nice.

🐰- Well Moon, you ready for today?

🌜- Of course I am! Where are we going to be heading today? What are we visiting?

🐰- We are going to one special place. There are a lot of different types of pancakes! You will be assisting in making them and talking to people around. People don't get to see a fancy and smart AI animatronic every day, you know?

🌜- Yes, pretty much. However, today's plan sounds just wonderful! I can't wait.

🐰- I didn't know that you were so energetic of a person. Glitchtrap described you as more of a calm, quiet and kind of a tired like person.

🌜- Well, I am not like this often, kinda never. However, does that mean I can't get excited to see and experience something cool and new that I have never experienced before?

🐰- Understandable point.

The short conversation between us two was done. I grabbed my camera as we headed to doors of our apartment and started going down the stairs, then down the busy yet still pretty streets of Paris. The view of every single corner was just absolutely stunning, could not ever deny that. However, that surely was not even a bit from what this city has to offer yet.

Walking down the streets, I was taking a bit of a quick glance at some people that were passing by. Their appearance was... A lot different than from the most people I saw at home. They all seemed pretty stylish, very pretty. Some had their traditionally cute red ribbons around their neck, along with those weird yet quite nice little flat black hats. Nice.

🐰- Here we are! We got to our destination!

🌜- Oh, did we already?

I looked in front of us, there was a nice little fancy place. Had gorgeous signatures on the glass windows. That must be the heaven of pancakes there! I can't wait to see how are they making them. Seems like I could also get the opportunity to make some. I would honestly love that. I have never made absolutely anything in my life. Pancakes sound fun though.

We managed to enter this quite pretty place, there were a bunch of people in here. Sitting and eating all sorts of different kinds of pretty interesting pancakes. They were suddenly all looking at me by now. I wonder why though. That was making me pretty uncomfortable by every second passed... So I whispered to Miss Vanessa:

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