Chapter 9

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          Author's WARNING!: For the younger audience, you know. So here we go. This chapter will contain: MURDER, SWEARING, GORE. I think the picture can tell you some things. Before reading, try to guess what is going to happen :) And for the young ones, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

🌜Moondrop's POV:🌛

          About an hour passed since the Glamrocks came here. I was sitting and talking with them. Sometimes we laughed, sometimes cried. However, they are a cool group. A small group of different personalities everyone needs. Then I remembered I need to check on Sundrop. He may be better now.

🌜- Hey guys, I need to check on Sun again. So excuse me for a second.

          I excused myself and got up. They continued their conversation while I connected to my wire and lightly flew over to the balcony of the 'Sky stage'. My first steps were made to Sun's and my room when I noticed he is awake. He was sitting on the bed with his legs and arms crossed. I wished him good morning, rather night actually, and set besides him. He seemed sad, so I hugged him and instantly noticed he is even colder than before.

🌜- Hey Sunny, you alright?

🌞- No, Moon... No.

🌜- Why is that, Starlight?

🌞- I feel upset, sad, tired, betrayed, useless, cold and broken.

🌜- Oh, what made you feel like that?

🌞- What kind of a caretaker am I when I can't even raise a few little children good?

🌜- Yo there, Sun. That's not true! Our job is to take care of them while their parents are somewhere, not to be their parents.

🌞- But teaching them good behavior is also a part of it all.

🌜- Yes, but that doesn't mean we have to raise them basically. What are their parents for, then? Sun, we only babysit them, this isn't an orphanage.

🌞- ... What do you think? What caused them to act like that? All of the sudden?

🌜- I don't know... They are just not raised good.

🌞- But they are so young! May that be 'cause... Because I am a bad caretaker?

🌜- What!? No! You're doing your job better than anyone in this world!

🌞- So you want to blame the children?

🌜- It's not their fault either. They parents should have taught them better.

🌞- You are right... Looks like not all little ones are sweet as a candy, they can be as sour as lemons.

🌜- Yeah. They might appear sweet and cute, but they're actually bad and naughty inside.

🌞- So when we got this over, when will the Glamrocks come over?

🌜- Oh, sweet candy! I forgot. They are already down there.

🌞- What!? When did they come!?

🌜- Above an hour ago. I came here to see if you are awake to join us talking there.

🌞- Oh, okay. Let's go then. Don't want our friends to wait so long!

          After our small talk, Sundrop and me left down to the Daycare. There were all of them obviously, they were waiting for me and Sun to come. They saw us slowly coming so they waved at us, we waved back to them happily.

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