Chapter 16

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Moondrop's POV:

          This night seems to be pretty rough, isn't it? Sundrop and I are right about to have a serious conversation. I don't want my one and only angel to be sad or afraid... I still can not fully get over a fact that he could still be frightened by my appearance. I know I'm not looking like a friendly magical pony or a softy, or I don't even know, but I thought he got over it. Is he really that afraid? Maybe it's different in the dark. Am I actually that scary? I don't know. I can't think properly right now. I think this talk will clear some things.

          I managed to freely fly in the air connected to my hook so I could flip the little switch. It's enough darkness for this night. And sooner than expected, the lights were turned on again. Everything was so bright that I rubbed my eyes off as a result or a sudden change in the lighting of my surroundings. I obviously had to turn off my night vision for now. It hurts a little.

          As I rubbed my eyes a few times until I was able to see properly, I saw Sunny approaching closer to me as he seemed sad and nervous. It didn't really look like he was afraid or showing any kind of fear anymore. I could only say that he might be some kind of a little bit nervous, which can represent some kind of fear by the expression on his face. We sat down on one pretty comfy and fluffy fake cloud that was near, and I managed to start the conversation.

🌜- So, you wanted to talk now, Sunny? - I spoke to him softly, not wanting to sound rough of angry.

🌞- Yes, Moony, I wanted to apologize.

🌜- For what exactly?

🌞- Oh, please! I was acting like a jerk recently! I made myself and you blind about something very serious that happened, and I even made you feel bad about your appearance! I didn't mean to hurt you... And I am so sorry!

🌜- ...

🌞- It's alright. You don't have to forgive me. I don't deserve it.

🌜- No, it's okay, Sunbeam. It's important you learned better.

🌞- But I insulted you as well...

🌜- That's fine. Trust me. I know you have a fear of darkness. And you're scared easily. My appearance isn't very 'happy' or friendly at first sight.

🌞- Oh, Moon, but I know that it's you, and I shouldn't fear you! You're not scary looking. You're beautiful! You're very sweet and handsome.

🌜- I really appreciate such a compliment, Sunny. But you're very amusing too. Your beauty, kindness, and cheerfulness never stopped me from liking you in any way.

🌞- I'm so full of butterflies inside my very endoskeleton right now, Moony!

🌜- I'm glad to hear that.

🌞- So everything's clear now?

🌜- Everything Starlight, everything.

        I am so flattered that we got this over. I was never truly mad or angry at my dearest love. I was just a little worried about my angel because I didn't want him to lie to himself. I am not looking at him in any different way now, after what happened recently, of course not. That's what the partners are for, to be there for each other at their worst and help one another when it's needed. I just wanted my starlight to admit it and accept himself just the way he is. I just want my sunshine to feel accepted, happy, and comfortable with his own self.

          We were sitting and talking about anything and everything. I adore seeing my little Sunny so happy, cheerful, and chatty. He is just one little bean I don't like, I don't love, I adore~ He looks so sweet and innocent. His face is too cute and sweeter than honey and sugar themselves mixed. His rays are spinning like a Mary go around. He is just too much more than my heart can take. Starshine is just so lovingly much kind and charming. Looking at his snow-white, beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, and breathtaking eyes of the pure kindness of the very angels sent from above every day is such a privilege for me.

Sundrop's POV:

          The conversation went the best way it could and better than I could ever ask for. I am somehow still quite surprised by Moondrop accepting my awkward apology for being such a bad person, robot, caretaker, and his partner... I didn't say much, but sometimes even the one single and the smallest word can be perfectly enough to insult and hurt someone from inside, deept. The more you say and the harder words you use, the deeper you cut them until you finally torn their heart apart. So, as we could say here, It doesn't really matter how long you will speak or how much you will say. It is about the right word. You could say only a few small words, maybe just one, but it will hurt if you choose the right ones.

          Some people would show their emotions directly, and they are not even trying to cover or hide them away from anyone. Let everyone see how you feel. Some people show it by anger fulfilled with a lot of insults, and they can look like they are just pretty much mean or overreacting over small and tiny things. The others could be called crybabies, which I honestly prefer not to use. Everybody should be treated with respect and kindness. Of course, as long as they they treat you in the same way. It wouldn't be worth trying to be kind and nice to someone who either doesn't even notice your kindness or they use it and treat you like aslave.

          On the other side, some of the human beings keep on good covering and constantly hiding their emotions and pain locked deep inside their once pure heart all until it breaks in millions of the tiny little and unfixable parts. They were those who tried too hard to be good and nice to everyone and anyone. Like I said, it is not always worth it. In most of the situations, this kind of people would try their best to be the nicest person for someone who doesn't deserve it even a little bit. Sometimes they don't know, and sometimes they do but still choose to be polite and kind. They never try standing up for themselves because it would make them look like they are the bad guy. I hate these cases.

          However, I am so glad and thankful that we solved this together. Moondrop is my everything, I mean, literally everything! He is my brightest Sunshine and I couldn't ever imagine any second of my life without him beside me. I might be frightened sometimes in the dark, and I hate myself for being such a scaredy cat, but I love him like a psycho and I'm being honest from the very bottom of my cold metallic heart. If it just could, it would start racing uncontrollably every single time I look at his handsome and charming face, full of calmness and beauty in every inch of its creation. Every single dot and molecule that his faceplate is made of is more stunningly gorgeous than the every sunset scene I ever saw.

          I may act like a four years old coward in the dark, standing frozen in fear, but I'm psychopathic and surely unhealthy sick for his stunning and big lazy ruby red LED eyes of his that are taking my nonexistent breath with every sent glance. If that was only true, I would say that they look just like crimson red shaded diamonds every day of my existence. If he was ever a gold treasure, I am so sure that nobody from this universe, or any other, could ever find him, neither the key.

Sundrop x Moondrop Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon