Chapter 66. Tang Family and Gilda's predicament.

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After their tour inside the slave house, they decided to leave after bidding goodbye to the owner.

The owner, Gilda, watched them leave and muttered, "Who would have thought... That the Death Empress would have a child... Well, I rather not tell anybody. I don't want to become part of her undead army...."

She turned and entered back inside, "Her daughter is also as monstrous as her... 20-year-old half-step Body-modification realm. Moreover, she will be able to breakthrough in some days... A 20-year-old Mental Nourishing cultivator? Terrible, completely abnormal. Some people haven't even started cultivating at that age!"

The owner walked inside her office and suddenly said, "Can't I pay my debt just advising the Tang family to not mess with the dragon-girl? It will be a tremendous favor if they listen to me.... The oath said until I pay them back, this could free me from the debt... Let's try."

She took out a communication jade and spoke through it, "Don't mess with the people that killed your daughter. They are not someone your Tang family can offend!"

With that, she cut the message. She felt the oath inside her heart undoing and disappearing. Her smile became as beautiful as a flower. "Finally free! It seems I can finally expand my business without being stopped by them!"

She called to another communication jade, which was given to her by Tatyana, and connected with someone. Gilda heard a beautiful female voice, "Who is calling?"

Gilda spoke respectfully, "I'm an owner of a slave house, my name is Gilda, and my business is in Champion city. Her majesty, Death Empress, told me to call you because she wanted to expand...."

She heard a *tsk* and a grumbling voice, "That madwoman sending all the trouble my way again... Wasn't enough with the aftermath of what she did in the Nature Queendom? She always overworks us, and she went playing who knows where... I also have to..."

Gilda's enthusiasm thinned the longer she listened to the woman pouring her heart into a stranger. She asked, "Can I not become part of this...?"

The woman on the other side stopped her ramblings and ordered, "No, I need more helping hands. You won't escape! I will send the death knights if you try to escape! More people will suffer with me!! HAhahHAHAahaha. Burn! The world shall burn!!! HAHAHAHAHA."

Gilda, knowing where this was going, was already crying! 'I just escaped from the Tang family, and now this! How can I escape this time!? I want to be free! This time my sanity is on the line!!'

Will Gilda be able to escape? Only time will- "No, of course, she won't! She is working for me now!"

(Author: Tatyana! Can you stop breaking the fourth wall as often as you do with people!? I'm trying to add mystery to the story!)

Meanwhile, near the top of the mountain, in a very big mansion, and inside the most luxurious study room, a man with heroic features and short black hair listened to one message jade with a frosty expression "The young miss has been killed in the slave house! All her guards have also been killed. A black-haired woman killed the guards, and a petite blonde woman killed the miss. We have the details of their description in base. That black-haired woman is..."

Tang Guo, the patriarch of the Tang family, became completely enraged. He continued listening to everything and took out another communication jade. Seeing that it was from that slave house owner, he crushed it in his rage. "No matter what excuses you put, I will kill you after I'm done with these pests! With her death, all my initial plans went down the drain!" *BANG!* He crushed the heaven-grade table with one hit!

Yasenia and the rest walked around the city a little more. There was even a child that tried to steal after bumping into them. However, Yasenia caught him with her tail, took her money back, and threw him to the side after giving him one silver coin. She didn't even bother to speak to him.

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