Chapter 24. Madeleine's anger and Lingering Star Steps.

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Now, she now needed to pass the [Absorption of Moonlight] and [Absorption of Starlight] To complete the [Absorption of Celestial Light] realm.

After Breaking through the [Absorption of Sunlight] realm, she has actually unlocked three skills one called [Sunrise], the other called [Noon], and the last one called [Sunset]. She could also see that they were part of a more complex skill.

[Sunrise] was a skill that could channel Sun energy to do a strong and quick upswing. Each strike carried the scorching Sun energy, and when it was done during the Sunrise, each attack would send a scorching energy wave, making them range attacks.

[Noon], on the other side, was a beam-natured long-range attack.

Yasenia had to charge Sun energy in her body using [Sunrise] or [Sunset], and only then would she be able to use it at max potency. To release it, Yasenia must point her sword toward the Sun, and her sword will explode in radiance. Then, lowering her sword towards her opponent, a devastating energy attack will be fired from the blade.

When it is done at noon, the Sun will fire a beam from the skies, making an inversed cross-like attack.

[Sunset], contrary to [Sunrise], were descending strikes with more strength than [Sunrise] but slower. When activated at Sunset, each [Sunset] attack would explode on contact, making them dangerous even if the person defending blocked them.

Yasenia absorbed the information and looked towards the side with a happy smile, meeting Angel's eyes. Angel, who saw all of this advancement show, was there with a dazed expression and a hand over her rapidly beating heart. 'She is truly captivating.'

Her heart melted when our little girl saw the dragoness's happy smile. 'I can't resist her...'

She walked forward and jumped into Yasenia's embrace, speaking softly with her silvery voice. "Yasenia, I like you very much~."

Yasenia was surprised at that confession. Even then, she answered with a doting smile. "I like you too, baby."

Yasenia wrapped Angel with her tail and placed her on her lap to kiss each other. Then she said, "Wait for me inside. I want to cultivate the Moonlight until midnight. Then I will accompany you."

Angel fidgeted a little and asked shyly. "Can I watch when you cultivate? You look really beautiful while cultivating...."

Yasenia smiled and gave her another peck. "Sure, my baby can do whatever she wants." Angel's face reddened, and a foolish yet happy smile appeared on her face.

Letting someone beside you while cultivating is a sign of trust. That is because when cultivating, you must close your senses to the outside and become much more vulnerable. So, getting the go-ahead, Angel was over the Moon. 'She trusts me so much? I'm so happy!'

The next day after class, Yasenia told Madelaine about Carlos.

After finishing her tale, while Madelaine didn't have a change of expression, she was actually quite mad. 'I've gotten this heavenly genius as my student, and now someone is bullying her INSIDE the academy!?'

She said calmly. "Come with me to the library. Let's see if this Carlos has the guts to say something to you with me by your side!"

When they arrived at the library, Carlos was speaking with a gentle smile with a very handsome male disciple with silver hair. They felt someone entering from the door and looked over. Everyone knew Madelaine, so they weren't surprised.

However, after seeing the other beauty, they had very different reactions. Carlos paled when he saw the other beauty accompanying Madelaine, and the handsome man opened his eyes in amazement.

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