Chapter 154. Yasenia's insecurities.

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What was happening to Yasenia and the rest was quite normal. It also had a name in their world, [Cultivator's Will Wall]. It happened when a low-level cultivator saw an all-out battle between seniors.

This "Wall" made advancing harder for some cultivators, and others directly stopped cultivating, unable to bring themselves to cultivate again, knowing what kind of battles laid ahead.

Of course, most cultivators had heard, read, and seen pictures about the amount of power senior cultivators have. However, knowing "They can blow up mountains with a single attack" to seeing a literal landscape-changing attack in person was something hard to process.

However, for our girls, the worst shock came with Tian Long. Before this, they were scared but still had their bearings.

However, they just saw cultivators that were on a level above their imagination, changing the landscape, making the space tremble, and moving at speeds impossible to follow. Cultivators they saw as invincible. They could barely take this with a strong heart.

But suddenly, this titanic creature appears, and it just one-shots one of these all-powerful Demon Monarchs, shortly after proceeding to take the others down like flies.

Yasenia began taking deep breaths, filling her senses with her mother's scent, and slowly calmed her crazily beating heart. 'Come on, Yasenia, be strong! I have to take care of my dears, give them security! Do it for the future you want with mom. That future you pictured yourself in....'

Yasenia's heart rate lowered slightly, and her golden eyes regained strength. This was enough for her to stop her obvious trembling. Then, her face became calmer, and she straightened herself away from Tatyana's embrace.

Tatyana looked at her and made sure that she was recovering from the shock. Seeing Yasenia move toward the others to console them with an almost calm disposition, she smiled, gratified. 'It seems like it will be only a momentary stump. She will overcome it shortly. Moreover, with this, I solved her growing dragon pride problem~. I'm such a good mother~. Well, even if she decided to stop cultivating because of this, I would take care of her for the rest of her natural life, finally dying with her...'

Tatyana looked around, and saw that only Horux was left, still escaping the chain but unable to leave because of Tian Long's Domain. Tatyana looked up at Tian Long and said, "Stop playing around; you will be able to come out more often from now on."

Tian Long snorted, creating a hurricane in front of him, and said, "You always say the same, and then some millennia pass before I get out. Moreover, since you have been slacking in cultivation, I also can't cultivate. It has been very boring lately; I can only sleep...."

Yasenia, who was consoling her dears, entered a coughing fit, 'Slacking!?'

Tatyana almost blushed, 'How dare he say these things in front of my little treasure!? I will spank him later!'

Then she said, tempting him, "I will let you out often to play with my little treasure. What do you-"


The whole sky was covered by chains, bringing darkness to the area below him. Horux' final thoughts before being captured were, 'This fucker was playing around all along!?'' And then, his world turned black, being surrounded by layers upon layers of chains.

Of all these situations, for the demons, the worst thing was that they couldn't use space-attributed treasures or just run out to get out of there since Tian Long had locked everything; their only fate was being captured without any possible retaliation. Worse, self-explosion wasn't an option since the time to activate it was enough for the chains to reach them and stop even this.

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