Chapter 87. Plant summoner and powerful healer!

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Yasenia looked at the sky, and seeing Sunset time approaching; she said, "Let's stall for ten minutes, then we can charge directly in."

The others nodded. They waited some minutes, and the leader analyzed them "Two level-nine tiger-kin, two level-sevens, two level-six, and three level-four harpies."

The team leader said, "The brothers and I can take on the two level-nines. The two level-sevens and six are a problem... Kali, can your summons deal with the level four harpies?"

Kali was about to answer when Yasenia said, "Since they are all sword users, I think I can kill the two level-six instantly if we coordinate correctly. Then it will be Leader, and the brothers work to stall the tiger-kins while we clean up the others."

The others listened to her suggestion, and they nodded. They went out of their hiding place and reacted as if they were surprised to see them. "Retreat! They are stronger than us!"

The enemies saw them turning and trying to leave, so they bought the act, charging toward them. Now that they took the bait, they positioned and looked at how they were charging. Yasenia saw that the ones dashing close by were the level sevens instead of the level six and said, "Change the target to level seven!"

The leader and brothers turned and charged toward the tiger-kins. Meanwhile, Yasenia buffed herself, "[Celestial Coat], [Starry Sky]." Then she took a step forward and spun with her sword, "[Moonless Night]" While her domain expanded and she finished her spin, she pointed her sword toward a level six and chanted, "[Sun charge]" *Bang!* Yasenia left a crater on the ground as she shot forward, leaving the two level-sevens on her left.

Cecile sent arrows toward the level sevens to attract their attention, and Kali and the other went against the level fours.

When Yasenia was in mid-charge, she used the illusion of [Lingering Start steps] and sent it forward toward the level-six. Yasenia used her powerful legs and tail to make a sharp turn, leaving footprints on the ground, and changed direction toward the level-sevens.

Cecile saw that process and read her intentions; she continued shooting arrows even when they were approaching rapidly, fully trusting Yasenia. As Cecile intended, they focused on her.

Cecile sneered and mouthed, 'Fools.' They were about to yell, enraged, when a warning shout came from behind.


However, it was too late! "[SUN CHARGE]!"


The golden meteor pierced them both from the side and incinerated their bodies with the heat explosion!

Yasenia stopped her charge, sliding 100 meters, and looked behind, spinning her giant sword with a smile. The others looked stupefied at the body modification realm that just one-shotted two level-sevens. "Two down! Now we are even numbers~."

One of the tiger kin shouted, "Careful with her! She is the one that appeared in yesterday's highlights! She-"

The leader interrupted him, releasing a barrage of sword attacks. The tiger kin tsked, 'Troublesome. I can't get distracted!'

On another part of the battlefield, roots appeared on the ground, trying to attack Kali and her partner.

However, playing with plants in front of Kali was a big mistake. Kali was an attributed triple cultivator with Wood, Nature, and Life attributes! Kali slammed her hands on the ground. "[Crown Flower]"

She summoned a three-meter-tall green woman. It had a dress made of flowers and a golden crown, a green aura spread from her, and she took over all vegetation in a 500 m area, including his attack! Then Kali raised her hands and chanted, "[Treant summoning]." Five trunks spurted from the ground reaching a height of five meters and transformed into humanoid trees. She pointed forward, "Kill."

Heaven, Earth, Me (GL)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें