Chapter 172. Yasenia's efforts for them.

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Oliver said, "Beside the letter, the reason I came to ask so suddenly is that Gerd wants to move to the Demonic Sect with Lucia. It seems that, no matter how much Lucia denies him, he is hell-bent on doing so. I thought of confessing before she moved...."

Oliver looked at the cloudy sky and sighed, "I honestly thought that he might leave her here if we got together, but after knowing about your enmity with Gerd... I'm not so sure anymore."

Yasenia stopped her hands and looked at Oliver. "You know, Oliver. In my opinion, your forward disposition and your ability to get along with practically anyone are what I like most about you. However, you've always had a weak point, and that is romance."

Oliver scratched his head awkwardly, "W-What do you mean? I've never been bad at romance, right?"

Yasenia looked at him gently and said, "Did you think that I didn't realize how you looked at me all those years ago when we were fifteen or so."

Oliver blushed a bit and looked sideways. Yasenia said, "I've never blamed you, and honestly, you were my first option in romance before all that happened on my 18th birthday... I was close to trying to be in a relationship with you. And I think it was because mom realized this that she took a step forward. I've never heard her say that the 18th birthday was special for any reason, but she transformed that day into an event that changed my life completely."

Oliver relaxed and reclined in the chair, sighing. "Do you think Aunt Tatyana would have let me confess?"

Yasenia continued sewing and softly said, "I don't know. Mom is very adverse to the idea of me having male partners. I don't understand because, well, she doesn't mind Andrea being with me. Moreover, Mom is... Not a very sane person and I understand why it is."

Yasenia sighed sadly, "The fact that she still has enough common sense and self-awareness to bring me up is something I admire deeply about her. So what if she wanted to raise me, her daughter, to become her lover?"

Yasenia became slightly agitated, knowing what people would think if they knew about their relationship. "Can those people who lived only for some hundred years understand the struggle of someone that has lived Hundreds of millennia of heartbreaks!? Even I myself can't imagine much less them! We are cultivators! We don't have the genetic problems normal mortals do if they have children with immediate family! So I can't see a single bad thing about our relationship!"

Oliver didn't interrupt and let her vent a bit. However, Yasenia relaxed fast again and shook her head. "Anyway, I'm going to be honest with you, big bro. I would have confessed much sooner if I were you. I don't like sudden events happening that may separate the people I find interesting and me."

Yasenia looked at Oliver and said, "That is why I began my relationship with all my lovers relatively fast. Even If I have yet to cross that last line with Kali, I took her under my wing first and then cultivated deeper feelings slowly. I did the same with Angel and Andrea. And even though I took longer with Cecile and Evelyn, it was because I felt that their feelings for me were constantly growing."

Oliver chuckled and asked, trying to distract Yasenia from her previous outburst. "How is it going with them? Are you happy, little sis?"

Yasenia smiled gently, and her eyes became tender. "I'm happy, big bro. I love them all a lot, and even though I always find myself thinking that it isn't fair for them to have to share me with other women. I try to do my best to give them all the love I can and more. I want them to be proud when talking with others about being in my harem. I want them not to feel less than women with single relationships. And if they are able to brag about it, then I would be satisfied."

Oliver looked at the almost finished green dress and smiled. "Don't put yourself down too much, little sis. You are an incredible woman. I'm sure they all feel lucky to have you as their partner. And as you said earlier, even I had a big crush on you when we were younger, hahaha."

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