Chapter 125. Kali's determination.

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...After steeling herself, Kali approached Dr. Ava and asked, "Senior, can I become your disciple? Your medical arts are the most advanced I've ever seen."

Dr. Ava looked at Kali's eyes as if she could look past the veil and insecurities. Kali couldn't help but have her heart rate accelerate. Dr. Ava opened her mouth and spoke without breaking eye contact. "I can cure your scars."

Kali's eyes widened and trembled.

Tatyana said sternly, this time with zero playfulness. "Avalonia, I hope you know what you are doing, or there will be consequences."

Dr. Ava nodded and focused on Kali again.

She faced Kali and said, "I will cure your scars, but I won't be your master if you agree. That is my first offer. I'm not so free to teach my medical knowledge to someone I don't know anything about. Less to someone I don't know when will be consumed by her heart demons."

Kali clenched her fist and resisted the urge to accept without listening to the other offers. Avalonia waited a moment, and seeing that she managed to stop herself, she continued, "My condition for you to become my side disciple is that knowing that I can heal you, I won't ever do it. I will teach you medicine, and when your skills are good enough, you will heal your scars yourself."

Kali nodded, and Avalonia continued, "My final offer is: I will make you my personal disciple and guide you step by step, but I won't ever let you heal your scars. If you someday heal them, I will inflict even worse scars myself, without caring about Yasenia's or Tatyana's opinion on the matter. Now choose."

Kali debated in her head, 'Heal my scars, wait to be strong enough, and then heal them myself, or gain an unrivaled teacher in medicine but continue living with these scars the rest of my life.'

Kali looked down and bit her lips, 'Should I just heal them? I have Elder Fredrick in the Academy, that is also extremely skilled in alchemy. He should know medical arts, but....'

Kali clenched her fist so much that blood flowed because her nails were digging up her flesh, 'Dr. Ava is the personal doctor of someone as strong as the Headmistress! There is no way that Elder Fredrick comes even close to her skill! Should I just live with this shame and humiliation for life? And gain a peerless teacher?'

Kali thought, and after ten minutes of struggling, she raised her head and looked at Dr. Ava with determination. Avalonia's eyes flashed as she looked at that pair of eyes, 'Similar, very similar to... myself.'

Kali spoke, "I reject the first offer! If I take the easy path, I will regret it in the future. However, I also reject the third offer!"

Avalonia hid her smile and asked, "Why? Is having a pretty face that important? You could use human-skin masks and appear as pretty as you want."

Kali's voice was unwavering as she spoke, "Because, even if committing everything for the good of others may be what an ideal person would do, it is always necessary to have a backdoor open. Moreover, while I will live for others... I also live for myself!"

Avalonia smirked and said, "Since you are also proficient in alchemy, I will take you as my personal disciple. Prepare yourself, Kali. Being under my tutelage is not an easy thing!"

Kali's eyes widened in surprise, and she made a stupid sound, "Huh?"

The others laughed, and Anna and Eve approached her, they wound their arms around her shoulder, and Anna said, "To think I will have the wife of my dear miss as a junior sister! What a joyful day!"

Eve said, "To think I will have another person to share my desperation of learning under Dr. Ava! What a joyful day!"

Kali smiled a little and said, "No matter how hard, I will become the best doctor beside Yasenia!"

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