Chapter 27. Angel's struggle, Andrea's secret.

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After hearing that Angel clenched her little fist while looking down, but she heard Yasenia continue "...But, know that I'm extremely unwilling, I love you, Angel, during this month interacting with you, I was able to taste what a normal relationship was. So, I'm grateful and deeply in love with you."

She curled her tail and arms possessively around Angel and continued. "That is why..." She looked at the soft blue eyes that were watering with her golden ones and continued softly. "I don't want you to leave me. I really don't."

Angel started crying and said a little choked "I also *sob* don't w-want to leave you *sob* It's just that, knowing one thing a-and *sob* that thing happening feels really different."

Yasenia sat up on the bed and cradled her. Angel said nervously after calming down a little "C-can I know who s-she is?"

Seeing the obvious insecurities in her face, Yasenia couldn't help it anymore. She dove downwards capturing her lips. Tasting the slightly salty lips she felt both happiness and sadness. Happy that Angel loved her, sad because she made her baby cry.

She really didn't like harems, but here she was doing one for herself, for an extremely selfish reason too, however, she won't stop.

No matter how hypocritical, in this world where only might gives you voice, she will stop at nothing for gaining enough power to protect those dear to her! The rest of the world be damned!

After she finished kissing Angel until she was limp in her embrace, she started telling her about Andrea, what they spoke, and how it ended in what it did.

Angel was amazed by this senior's speed in seducing Yasenia, however, thinking about herself she laughed. Seeing her finally laugh Yasenia smiled too. "What are you laughing at, baby? How about you tell this big sister~"

Angel said with a proud smile "Even if she was fast, I'm the fastest getting you! I seduced you in one afternoon! Hahaha"

Yasenia smiled with a pampering smile "En, my little angel grabbed my heart the fastest."

Angel smiled and started kissing Yasenia. 'I really love her... I want to stay by her side... Even if others come, I can always appreciate the fact that I was here before them. Even if there is still this other lover... Here in the academy, I was able to capture this extraordinary woman's heart first. I could say that I am blessed, what is there to be sad?'

Angel stopped kissing her and both laid back down on the bed in their usual position. Angel said whispering "Yasenia..."

Yasenia caressed her head and asked, "What is it, baby?"

Angel hugged her tighter "I love you, with all my heart."

Yasenia curled her tail protectively around Angel and smiled tenderly "I love you too Angel, more than you think." Both of them fell asleep shortly after.

The next day went by fast, and the classes ended. Yasenia was walking towards the back of the mountain, she couldn't help but feel blessed having Angel by her side.

Then she said while looking towards the sky "Since they gave up their chance to have a life with a lover that can be loyal to them, I will give my all to protect them. Even if I have to become this Heaven and Earth!"

An extremely loud thunder sounded! *RRUUUUUUMBLE* But Yasenia wasn't cowered! She focused her gaze on the clear sky as if steeling herself to anything that the heavens will throw at her. Then, one silent yet fast lighting hit Yasenia *Bang!* The strength behind it almost floored her on the ground!

Yasenia had her skin charred and her knees bent, but she was still standing! Feeling that the heavens won't attack again, she took one healing pill and used her [Celestial coat] to upgrade her regeneration.

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