Chapter 15. Second Trial and Painful turn of events.

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'Good, I almost didn't use energy except to protect from that hit against the sword and the final strike.'

After landing from the jump, she returned to the beast's body and took the beast's core. After storing it in her ring, she dashed towards the exit.

After a while, she came across a wide river. 'Now I must cross this river? How? Should I swim? It can't be that easy.'

She looked around and didn't see anything useful.

Then, the dragoness took a long stick and tried to touch the river with it.

When the stick touched the river water, it instantly froze and broke. 'I can't resist that amount of coldness, and this wood also can't, so creating a raft is not an option. This river is two hundred meters wide at most. With the help of my energy and tail, I can jump about forty meters. How to cover the rest?'

Yassenia hovered across the river shore. At one point, she saw some trees growing inside the river water—a picturesque scene.

'Those trees are close enough for me to reach, but....'

She took one fruit and threw it to the tree, only to be snatched and devoured by a giant snake living in it.

She smiled wryly. 'What to do now?'

She looked behind and suddenly saw a forest of tall bamboo. She had a bizarre idea. 'Should I catapult myself with the help of these bamboos?'

Yasenia swallowed. 'Will I be able to reach the other side?'

After approaching, she used her energy in them, and surprisingly it absorbed it!

Knowing what to do, the dragoness took one rock of her size and weight and put it on one of them. Then, she used one-tenth of her energy while bending it until it touched the ground, releasing it immediately.

The rook flew like an arrow released from a bow and overcame the river easily.

The dragoness smiled and did the same, using the same amount of energy. Then, she anchored to the soil with the tail and mounted the bamboo.

After releasing her tail, she was launched across the river. She couldn't help but shout a little and laugh. "Hahaha, this is so fuunn!!!"

Seeing the floor coming closer, she used her arms to grab one branch and used the momentum of the fall to do some spins, slowing her fall.


Yasenia landed safely on the ground. "I must tell Mom to buy some of those to bring home, hahaha! So fun!"

When she looked back, and saw some people appearing. "Oh... they took their time to catch up."

Then she saw some people jumping directly into the water, and she opened her eyes, stupefied. 'So reckless!?'

As she expected, those people directly jumped to their deaths!

They started to freeze, and when they wanted to return, some aquatic monsters entangled them and dragged them to the bottom of the river. Like that, some people died.

She turned around and spoke ruefully. "Truly, haste makes waste."

Remembering her blunder when reciting this saying when she was little, she laughed.

Yasenia ran forward and finally reached the end. 'In the end, it was an agility, combat, and mental flexibility test. I'm sure there are more methods to pass that river.'

A teacher was waiting in the end. "Congratulations on being the first in this circuit and the third within all the stages!"

Yasenia bowed and thanked him.

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