Chapter 142. Tatyana's return. Cecile in danger!

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Yasenia looked at the mixed forests and biomes inside her ring, which were now with some growing plants and animals, and smiled, satisfied. 'It is transforming nicely. Moreover, the seeds I planted are starting to sprout~ With this, even if we are stranded, we will have medical plants and food.'

Yasenia looked at her life-saving treasures, 'I have five given to me by mom when I left the house...'

Yasenia revised those live saving treasures. 'Two teleportation treasures of 1000km each. They will also transport me into safe areas. I have two talismans that can release a strike from mom to another cultivator. Mom told me to be careful with these since they are very destructive. Finally, this one looks like a completely black doll, and I don't know what it does... Mom told me always to keep it near, so I will obviously keep it close.'

Yasenia focused on the five life-saving treasures stored near those. 'These ones I got from the cultivators in the Cloud Layers. They are five simple teleportation treasures 100km distance each into a random place.'

Yasenia looked at her final life-saving treasures. 'And finally, the ones I got from that shorty who looked badly at mom, he only had one, which creates a defensive dome that lasts a lot. Do my dears have treasures like these? I will ask when we return.'

After those two weeks doing the mission, they returned home. Yasenia and the others entered the house.

Inside, a woman with black-raven hair that reached under her soft butt greeted them; her red eyes and mouth were smiling while looking at them. Yasenia's face lit up, and she jumped toward her, practically flying through the room.

Tatyana chuckled and caught her dear daughter. "Welcome home, little treasure."

Yasenia buried herself in Tatyana's embrace as she acted spoiled, "Mom, I missed you~."

Tatyana carried her big girl, and they moved to the living room, sitting on the big sofa. Yasenia was, of course, all over her mother, smelling her scent, wagging her tail, and growling lovingly.

Tatyana scratched her under the chin and massaged her long tail. Angel sat beside them and asked, "How was the journey?"

Tatyana patted Angel as a greeting and then returned to focus on her daughter. Seeing Tatyana debating whether to speak about it or not, Yasenia licked her neck and pleaded, "Can you tell us, mom?

Tatyana's struggles crumbled, and she recounted her journey briefly. "I went to the dragon's territory inside the Forest of Life to return the thing I bought in the auction. I owed them something, and with this, I don't owe them anything."

Andrea asked, intrigued, "What did you need from them?"

Tatyana said, "I needed Royal dragon blood from an alive dragon. It had to be of the peak sixth rank, directly from the Patriarch of the dragon race in that forest. Moreover, it had to be willingly given. So I made a deal with them. Before you ask, I needed that blood to give birth to my beautiful daughter, isn't that right, little treasure?"


"Who is the most beautiful?"


Yasenia became a growling blob under the ministration of her mother. Kali, who saw this for the first time, almost had nasal bleeding, 'How can she be so cute!?'

To be honest, the others weren't much better, even if they had seen her like this more often.

With Tatyana back, the days passed faster, and another week went by. During this week, Yasenia was mainly making progress with Kali. Now, Yasenia could coil her tail around her without Kali feeling uncomfortable.

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