Chapter 40. Close fight.

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After that big massacre, the teachers went out to recovers all the beast cores. The battleship kept advancing in the now silent tunnel. They continued for a while and near the end of the cloud tunnel, people excitedly look forwards.

What they saw when they passed the tunnel was a mainly white world. The white landscape seemed to extend indefinitely and at the distance, some white mountains could be seen.

To the right, they could see some white pillars in the distance resembling trees that were made from this cloud material. But this wasn't all! There also were normal trees, flowers, rocks, animals, and more, giving color to the white landscape. Above them, in the clear blue sky, there were some more greyish clouds floating around. A truly magical place.

Mason said, "The clouds above are normal, but in some of them there are tunnels. If you pass one of them, you can reach the second layer of the cloud layers. In this area though, it just stops at the second layer. To go to the third and the fourth you have to travel very far away."

Mason continued "The strangest thing is that... These cloud layers can't be seen from below, you only can reach them from the various tunnels that some clouds have. Moreover, because these tunnel clouds are constantly moving, it is hard to secure them. This tunnel cloud just moves above the whole Rita state, and thus it can be said to be under our Rita state."

Mason looked at all the students and said, "You will be in this cloud layer for one week, we will give each group of six a teleportation jade. If you use it, it will teleport you and your nearby teammates here to the battleship. The teachers and disciples from the medical hall will attend to you if you reach us with injuries so don't worry. After you report the gains and reasons for using the jade, you will be qualified. If you do exceptionally well, this is one chance for entering the violet class... or otherwise, falling off it."

Mason said "We won't prohibit killing... But the reason must be clear. Believe us that none of you can fool any of the teachers here if we want to know something. To end my tirade, I hope to see at least half of the students here return alive. Good luck."

Then the jades lit up and all of the teams disappeared. Yasenia's group appeared in the cloud forest. When they were about to speak, one fish-like cloud beast jumped towards Angel's back with an opened mouth!

Yasenia's instincts flared up and, in a flash, she moved while using all the reinforcements she had. She used [sunrise] with her tail in the blunt form. The cloud beast that jumped at Angel was hit and *Bang!* The beast exploded outwards in fleshy-bits.

To everyone else, it was something that happened in less than two seconds! They were about to speak when Yasenia's aura exploded, followed by a *Bang! * and an explosion of flesh and gore.

Angel and the rest turned and looked at Yasenia who had her [Celestial coat] on and then towards the splashed blood in front of her and swallowed.

Yasenia relaxed and said, "Be careful, these cloud beasts' concealment is stronger than we thought, that was just a middle-level second-ranked beast, and until it started its jump from the cloud I couldn't sense it at all." All of them nodded seriously.

Cecile spoke, "Use the previously prepared appraisal formation, however, don't be too tense. Remember that we can't get mentally exhausted before a battle occurs. Yasenia and Evelyn had a spiritual breakthrough so their sensing capabilities should be better. Yasenia stays in the back, Evelyn in the front, the rest between them."

Oliver picked up the beast core, and then the team moved. The levels of the team right now were, Oliver sixth, Gustav eighth, Yasenia eighth, Evelyn ninth, Angel half-step, and Cecile half-step. This is why, every time a second-level cloud beast or a third-level normal beast attacked, they could deal with them without any problems.

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