Chapter 127. End of the Tournament. Tatyana's past.

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Yasenia was lying on a floating bed, with Kali seated on one side and Angel on the other, and the other girls were sitting around her. She looked at the city, which was fading away on the horizon, and sighed, "A lot has happened these two weeks...."

Angel nodded, "I've learned a lot of new things, and I've become much stronger."

Kali smiled under the veil and said, "I've gained something I couldn't have ever imagined I would."

Evelyn said with a chuckle, "I've lost, and that made me realize that I have to keep improving myself."

Cecile said, "I've relived the feeling of loss again and realized how important my lover is to me. Thankfully, I've gained new strength to protect her with."

Andrea also joined, saying in her deep voice. "I've learned to love myself, not to be embarrassed about what I have, and I've recovered my determination to become stronger."

Yasenia looked at them and smiled, "I've become more determined to become stronger, and the things I must protect have grown by one."

Tatyana approached and hugged Yasenia softly from behind, "I've awakened from my long sleep."

Tatyana finished speaking when the city completely disappeared from their sights. Yasenia asked, "what are we going to do when we reach the Academy, mom?"

Tatyana kissed her cheek and said, "We will first go to see your new mansion. It has space for all of you to live comfortably. Then, we will present your dears their personal maids, and, if you want, you can begin decorating the mansion..."

Yasenia chuckled, "In short, you don't have anything planned."

The rest also laughed, and Tatyana shrugged, "Live as you go. Having everything planned is sometimes very boring."

Evelyn asked curiously, "Did you have a time you lived like that, Tatyana?"

Tatyana nodded, "Oh, I sure did. When I learned to control my Fate attribute better, I thought I had to keep everything under control and that I would be able to do anything I wanted. I mean, if you can control the future, you should be able to control the present, right? But later will I find that it isn't like that at all. The more I tried to control the future, the worst it became; until I lost someone important to me—my sworn brother."

They became silent for a moment, and Tatyana said. "The thing you have to control to know the future is the present. The more control you have over the present, the better things will unfold in the future. Like cultivation, studying, and life itself. You have to have a foundation; otherwise, it will all crumble eventually."

Yasenia cursed, she couldn't move right now, and she wanted to hug her mom! However, who was Tatyana? The biggest daughtercon you will ever meet! So, feeling her daughter's desire, she leaned from behind and hugged her tight, giving her a tender kiss on the cheek. Yasenia smiled happily, "I love you, mom!"

Tatyana and the rest chuckled. Andrea asked, "So... I'm quite curious about these "personal maids," anything you want to share with us, Tatyana?"

Tatyana looked at Anna and Eve and said, "Anything you want to warn them about?"

Both said simultaneously, "Never revile, badmouth, or talk bad about young miss in front of them with bad intentions."

Evelyn raised an eyebrow, "So they are our personal maids, but they are loyal to Yasenia? Won't they tell anything we discuss with them to her? Not that I want to hide things from Yasenia, mind you. But some privacy wouldn't be bad for our relationship."

Yasenia internally agreed but didn't say anything; she wanted to know Anna's and Eve's answers. Eve said, "Don't worry, everything you discuss with them, they will keep a secret. Unless, in their judgment, it is about plotting something that may hurt young miss in any way or form. Be reassured that they are under oath."

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