Chapter 18. Violet Disciple, seeing Cecile again and the new Master.

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When everyone finished, Elder Ron spoke. "The first one in this assessment is Yasenia! Followed by Gustav and Ryuuji. Only the three of you killed the Tayra congratulations! Those that have reached the Komodo dragon fight go forward! For the others, depending on the previous assessments, you will be either put on the red, orange, yellow, or green class! The ones that have reached the last test will be put in either the blue, indigo, or violet class!"

The ones that passed advanced forwards. There were only 1,000 people of the almost 300,000 people that presented. They reached the assessment area, with six arenas in two lines of three.

They were surrounded by a ton of stands making a gigantic stadium. Here there are all the teachers and alumni that were spectating before.

Madelaine got up from the teacher's stands and landed before them.

Madelaine had light purple hair and black and blue irises that seemed to be able to swallow everything. With a 173cm tall build and a slim body, her cold features were beautiful but intimidating. Even when she spoke gently, you would feel respect for the woman.

She looked over and spoke. "The last assessment is to win against the senior of the violet class appointed by the academy. If you can win, you will be put directly in the violet class usurping their position, so don't expect mercy from them. If you don't win, you will be paired against someone from the indigo class with the same conditions. If you lose those two battles, you will begin from the bottom of the blue class and have to fight to grow. That's all, begin!"

Seeing nobody step forward, Yasenia took it upon herself. She started walking calmly towards one of the arenas. Her [Blood flower spirit] robes waved with the wind as if she was stepping on clouds.

Her long and fine dark hair and seductive features accompanied her tall and well-endowed body drawing the gazes of everyone. Her golden slit eyes calmly looked around, and when she stepped onto the arena, she said with a smile. "So? Who is my opponent?"

A female jumped from the stands. She had long chestnut-colored hair and brown eyes, with delicate features, and was 165cm tall.

She said with a taunting smile. "Are you so impatient junior? I'm Ellie, and out of the 100 violet class outer disciples, I'm ranked 45th. My cultivation is at the eighth level of the Body Modification realm. Although beating up a junior only on the second level isn't to my taste, you must forgive me today."

Yasenia answered by taking out her giant sword and circulating her energy. She started remembering her lessons with her mother.

'A battle between cultivators is completely different from a battle against beasts. Doing faints and interrupting the beast tempo is easy... at least for the low-ranked ones. However, a cultivator is cunning. Never go all out at the beginning unless you are absolutely certain of winning.'

Tatyana, at that moment, smiled mischievously. 'Instead of using faints, use mind games. Play sheep to eat the tiger, deceive them in their own games, and when they think they have you... Kill with one strike! Your tail will be one of your most useful assets. Use it well.'

Yasenia asked, looking at the teachers. "Can we make lethal attacks?"

Madeleine smiled and said. "Yes, there is a formation that reverses one lethal injury per person a day. Nonetheless, if we think your attack will be too devastating, we will stop you, but the stopped person will win, so don't worry. Fight without concerns."

Yasenia nodded and waited for the signal.


Yasenia played on the defensive.

Ellie charged forward with her long sword, her steps seeming elusive and fast, making Yasenia have a problem following her.

When Ellie was halfway, she waved her hand, and a fireball as giant as a person launched toward Yasenia.

Heaven, Earth, Me (GL)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz