Chapter 103. Gerd's plan. Elias' miscalculation.

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Another nearby man with a tall and bulky frame asked, "Does your sister know that you are applying to enter the Demonic sect? It is not that I want to brag, but our Demonic sect is quite brutal with newcomers, especially naïve and beautiful girls like your sister."

Gerd shook his head and said, "Not a problem, I will protect her, and nothing will happen."

He then said, "Continuing our previous conversation. We don't have any more chances to aim at Yasenia or our other targets in this tournament. It seems that we will have to wait until the secret realm."

A short boy with an innocent face asked, "Isn't that big sister advancing fast? By the time she enters the secret realm, she will be a lot stronger. Can't I just play with that big sister? I bet that if I "call" her friends, she will come and play for sure!"

Gerd didn't like speaking with this boy. The boy was from the Thousand Poison sect and was a genius in poison making. However, he was quite eccentric and very ruthless. Just staying near was enough for Gerd to be uncomfortable, "Elias, Do you think that someone outside the tournament doesn't protect her? Trying to kidnap her friends to lure her is plain stupid."

Elias laughed happily, "My Master gave me some useful things! He said that I can put to sleep a level six and below Transcendent cultivators with it!"

Gerd and the others gasped. Jaxon, the muscular man, spoke impressed, "That thing must be very precious. Is it worth it to use it to kill or catch them?"

Elias's smile became face splitting, "I will also be able to catch a transcendent cultivator~ I bet master will be happy with the new poison tester!"

A woman with an Icy countenance, black hair, and brown eyes said, "It seems that your brain has been flushed down the drain. Haven't you seen that the senior beside them is the academy's Headmistress? Do you think your master's poison would even tickle her? I bet she can drink all your poisons for breakfast and write a taste review later."

Elias's face became expressionless, and he looked at that woman, "Everyone knows that the headmistress is weaker than the elders and some teachers. Don't you think that she would have ruled these five continents already if she were as strong as rumors say?"

Elias sneered and said, "Those rumors are bullshit created and over-exaggerated by the academy to scare people and increase their fame and prestige. My master has been trying to speak to our Sect Leader and put some sense into him, but because trash like you, Emery, exists, the Academy has the power it has!"

Emery looked at him with pity and shook her head, "Delusional children are truly troublesome. Do you think the ones behind us getting together would have tried to play these low tricks if Headmistress Katherine wasn't strong? After discovering that Yasenia was her child, they began moving and aiming at her. That is why they contacted us."

Elias became angered, and when they were about to explode into an argument, Gerd said, "Stop, I also do not think that the headmistress is that strong, but rumors can't be fabricated out of thin air. Some of those rumors might be accurate. Elias, I will leave it at your discretion, but I advise you not to use it now."

Emery didn't want to get a companion killed so soon and said, "Our organization has also tried to find a clue about the rumors being false. We found nothing. Do you think our silent blades information network is that unreliable?"

Elias sneered and left, "A bunch of cowards, brainwashed by propaganda, and misled by bribed information dealers."

While leaving, his face returned to the innocent smiling face, and he spoke to himself, "Mom likes this face the most; I bet I can become friends with them and trap them later~ I will kill everyone from the academy! Master will also praise me lots if I make his poisons work on the headmistress~ hahahAHAHA!"

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