Chapter 156. End of the War and returning to the Academy (End Of Volume Three)

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Yasenia ignored Feng Yuan and looked at her side. To her surprise, she saw Cecile right beside her, running as fast as her without seemingly any effort. This showed the tremendous improvement her transformation gave her. Angel was impressed and spoke, "Cecile! You are so fast!"

Cecile was running on the ground since she was still a beginner with her wings, but she could match Yasenia's speed easily. Cecile said, "When I learn how to fly, do you want to get a ride, Angel?"

Angel's eyes sparkled, and she nodded. "I would love to!"

Yasenia said with a suggestive tone, "I also want to ride you while we fly~."

Cecile looked at Yasenia, and a strand of violet flashed through her icy blue eyes. She answered, "We will see who rides who." Then, she accelerated and reached the middle of Tian Long's back, leaving an aroused dragoness behind.

When all of them reached the middle of his back, they looked around to search for a sitting place. Tian Long's back was very uneven, with areas where small hills could be seen. Tian Long said, "Come to my head, little princess. The view should be better."

Yasenia obeyed and moved on top of his head. Then, she found the best place to look around and a large grey scale to sit on. Yasenia placed Angel and Kali down and said, "Darling~ come here! I want to sit on your lap~."

Andrea gladly moved over there and sat on the wide flat scale with a small wall to recline her back. Then, Yasenia moved and put her soft butt on her lap, moving the tail to the side to not bother Andrea. After accommodating and rubbing against Andrea, she smiled, satisfied.

Andrea hugged her from behind and sighed in comfort. Feeling the soft dragoness between her arms and the soft behind on her legs, Andrea couldn't help but tighten her embrace and kiss Yasenia's nape.

Yasenia chuckled and leaned back. She looked at her two little girls and patted her legs. Angel and Evelyn moved, and each sat on one leg.

Kali sat beside Andrea at the orders of the dragoness and Cecile on the other side. Yasenia smiled happily with her dears surrounding her. Tatyana appeared and said teasingly, "Look at my baby dragon, hoarding her dears around her."

Yasenia's gaily smiled as she looked at Tatyana. "Mom, sit near me too!"

The happy tone in her voice made Kali and the others gently smile while looking at the dragoness. Tatyana couldn't help but have her face soften looking at that scene. She walked in front of Yasenia and said, "Little treasure, let me present Hui Zhong to you. He was my sworn brother when he was alive."

Like Ying Yue, he had long white hair and ghostly green eyes that shone with a phantasmal glow. His height was similar to Yasenia's at 190cm of height.

He had a muscular build, and his face seemed carved by a master, with such sharp contours that it looked sculpted to perfection. He was extremely handsome, which made Yasenia and the others fall into a daze for a moment.

Hui Zhong bowed and said, his voice deep and magnetic. "It is my pleasure to meet you, little princess. I'm the Empress's [Undead Emperor]. I will always be at your service if you want advice on anything."

Yasenia woke up from her stupor and nodded. "Nice to meet you, Hui Zhong! I will keep it in mind. Do you have a specialization like Ying Yue?"

Hui Zhong shook his head and said, "I'm a pure fighter and also talented in politics and governing."

He chuckled a little and said, "I'm less of a brute compared to Ying Yue."

Ying Yue swiftly smacked him behind the head, generating a big Bang and sending him flying off of Tian Long's head. Ying Yue then spoke with a gentle smile and voice, "Who are you calling a brute, Zhong? I'm a refined lady. Do not listen to him, little princess. He sometimes exaggerates things."

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