Chapter 182. Surprise!

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After that little episode, the atmosphere around returned to how it was before, and they began speaking about different things until they reached a camp from a third-rate sect. Angel asked, "Which sect camp is-"


"Yes! Harder!"

"Your pussy is so good!"

Everyone froze for a second. Yasenia said with interest, "Hoh~, so it is a dual cultivation sect... Well, nothing interesting to see here. Let's go!"

Yasenia turned around, dragging the stunned Cecile and blushing Angel away. Yasenia grumbled lowly, "However, do they not know about sound canceling formations? Shameless..."

"Of course we do! But some of them like to be heard and watched as they dual cultivate~." Answered a feminine voice that Yasenia hadn't heard in her life.

Yasenia instantly took out her mother's talisman and used her long tail to wrap Lidia, Cecile, and Angel to herself, jumping away from the voice warily. Her reaction was extremely swift, and she didn't even let the other people react. At the same time, with the talisman pointing at the intruder, she turned to look at the... Man? That had appeared beside them.

His face and body looked like a man's, but the mannerism, gestures, clothes, make-up, and voice screamed "woman." Yasenia had never seen someone this... Quirky, so she was somewhat confused. But above confusion, there was wariness toward the person that appeared beside her so suddenly.

Yasenia saw no movements from that person. So after landing, she instinctively placed Cecile, Lidia, and Angel behind her and asked with a cold voice, taking a protective stance. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

Cecile was letting herself be carried, but that didn't mean that she hadn't taken out her bow and had an arrow nocked into it!

Yasenia looked at Anna, Eve, Clara, and Selena, and not seeing them moving and with a relaxed stance, she was somewhat relieved. Yasenia wasn't someone to judge appearances, but appearing so suddenly near them without warning made all her alarm bells ring unceasingly.

Yasenia saw the man inspecting her up and down with clear wonder in his eyes. There wasn't lust, but it was as if he had just found a precious treasure. After not hearing an answer from the man, Yasenia frowned and asked again. "Are you done inspecting me as if I were merchandise? Who are you, and what do you want? Answer!"

The man spoke, doing gestures with his hands, "Oh dear, you are the most beautiful woman I've seen, and I just wanted to get to know you. Why are you so defensive?"

Yasenia snorted, "Appearing beside us all of a sudden, wouldn't you be alerted too? You are lucky my maids didn't react to your intrusion, or you would be dead."

The man tilted his head, "Maids?"

He looked at the side and saw a group of four women with maid outfits looking at him with an extremely cold gaze. He felt a chill and gasped, "Since when were you here!? I didn't sense any of you!"

Anna sneered, "A mere level one Dantian Spiritualization cultivator, of course, you wouldn't be able to sense any of us. Speak your business to our young miss before we lose our patience, and your luck runs out."

The man turned serious and tried to look into their cultivation levels, only to fail miserably. He changed his attitude to a servile one, smiled, and said, "I just wanted to get to know such an exceptional junior. I have high sensitivity to pure Yang energy, and I couldn't help but come to take a look when I felt your young miss'. I apologize if I was rude, seniors."

Yasenia asked, approaching the maids with the others. "This is your last chance to ask. Do you want something, or not? You are being extremely annoying."

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