Chapter 43. Finding the mastermind.

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...The final thing he heard was the sonic boom that reached after his killer decapitated him.

Ten or so minutes before this happened, Yasenia was running in the direction that the men were giving through the jade communicator. When she saw some cultivators before her she directly overtook them with her astounding speed.

These cultivators could only see a silvery and golden shadow passing them and disappearing between the exuberant cloud forest vegetation. Moreover, Yasenia was running almost parallel to the ground using her tail as a counterweight so that it was harder to spot her.

After sprinting for some minutes, she reached a ravine and ran through it, at the entrance she saw some [Glass nodes] so she knew that she was near.

She continued sprinting through it, but from here on there weren't any more directions coming from the jade. Yasenia thought 'It seems that they haven't reached here yet.'

Yasenia slowed down and searched for clues. After a little time, she suddenly sniffed the air and smelled blood. She went towards it, and lowered her head only to see a piece of cultivation robes smeared with blood, she also knew whose blood was this!

Yasenia sniffed the air and after picking the correct direction she shot forward! The red in Yasenia's eyes started eating the golden almost completely, little by little until all it was left were red irises with golden cracks. After that, instead of running normally, she started running on all fours, propelling herself with her hands, legs, and tail.

When she arrived at the end of the ravine, she looked in the distance and saw that a man was about to kick Angel. Yasenia felt that she won't reach in time before he kicks her, thus she overextended herself. Her leg muscles inflated and her tail changed into the sword shape, then it all happened in slow motion.

Her feet stomped on the ground and started pushing, her inflated leg muscles were tearing while straightening her legs little by little pushing her forwards. The harder-than-metal cloud under her feet sank because of her leg strength and the world around her was stretching preparing her vision for the acceleration. Her pupils turned into thin lines only leaving Angel and the man in her sight. Then... *BOOM!*

She reached beside Angel's side in an instant and while passing at such ridiculous speed, she used her tail and decapitated the bastard that was about to kick Angel. Then, she planted her feet and tail on the ground and started decelerating while protecting Angel with her energy.

She slid more than 300 meters leaving a deep mark on the hard cloud ground and stopped. After decapitating him, the others heard the explosion made by the jump of the dragoness. They looked in the direction of the explosion, only to see a gale coming from there.

They turned towards the other side and saw the long trail in the cloud. They looked towards the end of it and they saw a female carrying Angel. That female's legs were bleeding a little but the wounds were healing at a visible rate under that silver and golden glow.

Yasenia looked down at the beaten-down Angel and felt her heart hurt. 'I feel distressed even if she feels sleepy, and these bastards! HOW DARE THESE BASTARDS HURT HER LIKE THIS!'

She turned her crimson gaze with golden cracks towards them and said with a rumbling growl in her voice, "Don't you dare leave while I treat her, didn't you bastards capture her to bait me here? Good, here I am. Now call all your bastard companions and let them come, I won't leave, I promise."

Then, she turned back and looked at Angel, who has already opened her previously closed eyes.

Angel, at first, felt something charging at her, so she closed her eyes instinctively. Then, a sweet floral scent surrounded her making her smile. She opened her eyes and as expected Yasenia's enraged face was there. When she heard the terrifying growl, she felt warmth instead of fear. 'Even if she was the furthest away from me, she reached me first...'

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