Chapter 46. Why is my mother-in-law so terrifying!?

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When Yasenia and Evelyn went out, they saw a languid Angel caressing her 'full' stomach and a dazed Cecile. Oliver and Gustav weren't present, they seemed to have gone near to find some food.

Yasenia looked at Cecile and said, "Sorry for the inconvenience."

Cecile jumped with a start! She looked at Yasenia and blushed a little stammering for the first time "I-I, y-you, *Cough* Don't worry, if it wasn't for me feeding you that pill, this wouldn't have happened."

Yasenia chuckled and nodded, then she sat beside her. Cecile became stiff after her scent and presence came near.

When Yasenia saw the two boys returning, she waved at them, "What did you guys get?"

Oliver didn't mind what happened so he answered normally, "Some rabbits, I'm truly amazed they can even survive in this environment."

Cecil wanted to distract herself so she answered, "Haven't you been paying attention in class? Because they don't have energy, nor cores, they are almost like a rock on the side to ranked beasts. Only humans can get nourishment from them. Moreover, a cultivator will be able to stop eating and sleeping after they reach the Unification Realm."

Oliver scratched his head, "Did they truly say that? Why do mom and dad eat then? They are above the mortal realms!"

Yasenia rolled her eyes, "Of course, they do it for mental health! Don't you think that if a cultivator stops eating, or sleeping they would become... Less human? That is why I learned cooking and massages. Do you think that a cultivator will need a normal massage? I want to have some... Mortal hobbies. Big bro, you should do the same." Oliver nodded.

When all of them sat, Yasenia said scratching her cheek a little. "By the way, don't go inside the cave, my scent is all over. When I mate, my scent can become... a little stimulating. I recommend changing places to avoid trouble. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

Gustav who was sitting near Yasenia sniffed the air. He raised an eyebrow after the sweet scent enter his nostrils, "It is not that bad, right? What effects does it have?"

Yasenia thought for a moment and picked one of the living rabbits, then she went inside. She exited almost right after, sat, and put the rabbit on the ground. The rabbit jumped straight at her leg and latched onto it. Then it humped her leg as if it was the last thing it wanted to do.

Everyone looked speechless at the rabbit humping the leg. They thought at the same time, 'Truly a dangerous woman, in more than one sense!'

Yasenia shrugged and said, "This effect."

Gustav nodded still looking at that rabbit. To make things clearer, Yasenia explained what happened in the mortal inn, of course not the sex night, but what happened to the mortal couple.

Evelyn laughed at the absurdity of the situation, while Oliver and Gustav felt pity for that man. Oliver said, "So that man can't... get it up anymore?"

Yasenia nodded confirming his question. After they finished eating, they picked up everything and got rid of the waste. Then they started walking towards another destination. They were still in the cloud forest and treasures were waiting for them to discover!

However, they suddenly felt a terrifying aura sweeping the whole place. Yasenia and the others opened their eyes wide in fear. Evelyn shouted in fear, "What is releasing such aura!? It is many times stronger than teacher Mason!"

However, Yasenia was surprised for another whole reason! As she expected, five seconds after Evelyn spoke *BOOM! * In front of them a woman landed!

The woman had very long midnight black hair and was as tall as Cecile! They saw her look at them with a beautiful, but expressionless face. Her piercing red eyes were glowing with imposing might making them want to kneel in submission. She locked her gaze on Yasenia and looked at her up and down.

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