Chapter 37: Planeptune - The Finale

Start from the beginning

Once the CPUs, all of them already in their HDD forms, headed into Planeptune, the battle had already started.

Destruction far worse than anything Alex had seen so far was taking place all around them. Bullets and rockets flew in all directions as both armies went at each others throats with full intent to kill.

With the battle cries of soldiers and machines alike surpassed only by the deafening sounds of gunshots and explosions happening all around, covering the streets like a wildfire on a forest and the skies like fireworks during new year's eve.

"The battle already started!" Yelled Nepgear while looking around.

"Whoa, this is totally crazy!" Said Ram with widened eyes.

"Come on you girls, we have no time to waste!" Yelled Lastation's CPU while turning to look at them. "We have to find Magic and take her down!"

Knowing it wouldn't do any good to sit still, the group quickly dashed through the streets towards Magic's last known location.

They ran among clouds of dust as explosion kept taking place around them and debris flew around every few seconds along with the sight of both soldier and machine running from one place to the other as thei engaged into seemingly endless battles.

As he followed the CPUs, Alex looked around him at the battles taking place. The destruction he was seeing was far worse than anything from before.

Unlike Leanbox, where only the streets suffered moderate damage, here even the buildings were getting severely damaged.

Some even had missing chunks caused by stray rockets and seemed like they would fall down and crush them any second now.

Unfortunately, this sight-seeing would be short-lived as a large, humanoid robot with a horned helmet and dual blades attached to it's arms suddenly burst out of a building by destroying the wall and appeared right behind the group, ready to attack them by the back. Before it could strike, Alex managed to turn around and block the dual blades.

"Ally!" Said Purple Heart as she turned and saw him in trouble.

Alex forced the blades away, but before the CPUs could do anything to aid him, the robot quickly reacted by hitting him with twice the strength than before using both blades again and causing the young boy to be ejected from the ground.

"Oh shi-!" He said as he flew away, crashing into an office building's window.

After his abrupt entrance into the building, he slid on the floor and crashed against a few cubicles and desks before stopping.

Fortunately, his body didn't suffer anything worse than a few bruises here and there, but he had no time to relax as the robot quickly jumped into the building he was in, destroying the wall and part of the roof due to his large size in the midst of his rampage.

The young boy quickly got up and striked back with his weapon, and it was a difficult battle as Alex not only had to dodge two large and sharp blades, but also avoid the falling debris of the roof around him.

Despite its strong surprise attack, the machine didn't have too much kick nor speed behind it's slashes and this made it rather easy for Alex to quickly figure out the way it attacked and be able to dodge it.


Following the familiar voice, Alex soon saw Purple Heart flying towards him with her large sword ready.

Planeptune's CPU took advantage of the robot being completely focused on the young boy and attacked it in the back of the head, causing it's sensors to go haywire.

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