Part 55

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Y/n couldn't sleep. She hadn't slept in so long, but she wasn't tired. Instead, every night it was as if she had noise-cancelling headphones on, and then in the morning, after staring at her ceiling for hours, she got out of bed, energised and ready for the day. The hours felt long but were forgotten the second she stepped her feet onto the carpet. And just as the day restarted, the noise flooded back in. The noise today, was, of course, the twins.

She wandered down the stairs as Wanda and Vision bounced the two boys. Y/n leant against the railing as the couple laid them down. Wanda tried to magic them to sleep, but there was no luck. Vision ran over with their binkies, which were spat right out. Y/n grinned.

"So, I see the babies are all night partiers. I think we'll get along." Wanda sighed.

"I just don't know what we're doing wrong!" Y/n bounced down the stairs with pep. She picked up Tommy and rocked him slowly. Wanda's eyes widened.

"You got him to stop crying!" Y/n shrugged.

"What can I say, I may be magic, but not as magic as you." Y/n put Tommy back, but that only made him cry again. Vision pushed a gust of air out of his mouth.

"Maybe we just need some help." The second he had finished talking, Agnes popped her head into the home.

"Heyyo you crazy kids!" Vision lifted a pillow to hide his face changing from its metallic and red cover to his human one.

"Oh, Agnes! I was just, fluffing this pillow. With my face." Agnes strutted in and threw her bag on the couch.

"I was just on my way to Jazzercise when I heard your new bundles of joy were on a sleep strike." Vision frowned.

"Oh, who told you that?" Agnes turned around.

"Uh, my ears!" They all laughed as the boys kept on crying. "Anyway, Auntie Agnes is here and I've got a couple of tricks up my sleeve." Y/n clapped her hands rapidly.

"I am very excited to see this." Wanda smiled and took Agnes' hands.

"Oh Agnes, you're a life saver." Vision stepped forward cautiously.

"Oh, very well. But be careful of their belly buttons, and remember to support their heads, and when was the last time you washed your hands? Actually, you know what? It would be... just... maybe we better not." Agnes slowly turned to Wandaaaa.

"Uh... um... do you want me to take that again?" Wanda glanced at Vision.

"I'm sorry?" Agnes kept a numb face as she talked.

"You want me to hold the babies. So, do we just take it from the top?" Agnes picked up her bag from the couch and started walking back to the door. Vision chuckled nervously.

"What?" Wanda joined in the confused laughter.

"Oh, don't be silly. Vision, let's let Agnes give it a try." Wanda smiled widely at Agnes, who joined in with a wide grin and laughter.

"Fussy babies, meet buns of steel! We dare you to stay awake!" Her voice had returned to its regular high pitch. Vision called Wanda over, still chuckling.

"What was that?" Wanda raised an eyebrow.

"What was what?" Vision stared at her.

"What was what? That, that with Agnes just now!" Wanda turned to look at Agnes as she rocked the babies.

"Well, I think she just got confused for a moment. She seems fine now." Y/n popped up behind Vision, making him jump.

"Besides, you two just had twins. Your brains are a little scrambled at the moment. Honestly, I didn't see anything weird." Wanda nodded as Vision frowned.

"You know Y/n, the house is feeling pretty cramped now that we have twins." Y/n chuckled and aggressively punched Vision's arm.

"Don't be silly, you love me. Plus, free babysitter." Vision shook his head.

"But with Agnes, what she said, the way she looked at Wanda." Wanda put her hands on her hips.

"Well, how did she look at me?" Vision knocked his head back.

"Well, wow" As he put his back to Wanda, he caught a glimpse of Agnes lunging while spritzing the twins with perfume. She smiled.

"Lavender. It's supposed to have a calming effect." Y/n threw her a pair of thumbs up.

"I feel very calmed." Agnes nodded.

"Ralph sprays it on me every night. Can't tame this tiger!" She shook her hips. Vision frowned.

"That's strange." Wanda brushed him off.

"It's not Agnes's fault that she has an unusually high libido." Vision's face had completely dropped.

"Wanda, did you really not see what I saw?" Before she could answer, they looked over to see Agnes at their liquor cabinet.

"Don't mind me. I'm just looking for your dark liquor." Visions eyes were saucer wide.

"What?" Agnes smiled.

"Not for me! For the twins. What kind of babysitter do you think I am? I'm just gonna go check in there." Wanda walked into the kitchen and Y/n turned to Vision.

"Still think I should be looking for a new place?" Wanda turned to Vision.

"Vision, the boys haven't slept in days. You and I both need a break and Agnes is just being neighbourly, that's all." They paused. Vision looked up.

"Do you hear that?" Y/n frowned.

"Hear what?" Wanda's forehead pulled back in realisation.

"Nothing! The boys are finally asleep!" They walked over to the bassinets, but Vision frowned.

"They're..." Y/n titled her head.

"Empty." Wanda stood still.

"Then where are the twins?" They all turned around as they heard two little voices.

"Mommy? Daddy? Auntie?" Sitting on the steps were two young boys, but not young as in "born a few days ago" young. They looked five. Something struck a string in Y/n's heart. There was a deep pain, but she knew that she had no clue what it was. Even so, looking at the two boys hurt her just a little.


Word Count: 1026

The new spidedrverse movie is absolutely sick, and anyone who says that they dont like it is officially kicked off my page. No exceptions.

Thanks so much for reading! Make sure to comment and vote, see you next week!

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