Part 7

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Y/n went on more and more missions, retrieved more and more data, got better and better, but they still hadn't found what they were looking for. All of these HYDRA raids, all these hours, they were all pointing to one thing.

Finding Loki's scepter. 

Morale was getting low, and even with Cap's amazing pep talks, everyone was getting tired of the raids. 

Y/n hummed as she walked into Tony's lab, Bruce sitting next to him. She walked with one hand behind her back and one in front of her, presenting a plate with a slice of cake on it. Tony smiled.

"Hello Zappy, whatcha got there?" Bruce looked up and y/n smiled.

"Oh, just some cake. Here's your piece. I didn't know you were here Bruce, oh wait, boom!" She swung her other arm around her, almost flinging the second piece across the room. She placed the plates in front of the two men.

"I'm great, I know. Sooooo, whatcha working on?" Bruce's eyes widened and Tony shrugged.

"It's an improvement for JARVIS." Y/n chuckled.

"JARVIS can't be improved, he's perfect."

"Thank you Miss L/n." Y/n smiled as he responded.

"No problem dude. So what improvements are you making?" Tony shrugged again.

"Science stuff, you probably wouldn't understand." Y/n nodded.

"Yeah, I barely understand anything you say." Tony smirked.

"Right back at you." Y/n waved to the two men and walked out. As she closed the doors she heard a yell.

"Thank you!" Without looking at Tony she yelled back.

"Screw you!"

Bruce looked at Tony.

"We have to tell someone about this. We can't just keep it a secret. Secrets always go wrong and lying always goes wrong, and we are doing both!" Tony looked at him.

"I think you'll find that that means they cancel each other out. We're fine. And I didn't lie. Ultron is an improvement on JARVIS. He will keep the world safe, JARVIS keeps us safe. See? Improvement. And I don't think she would understand. Or Cap. So for now we are keeping this to ourselves, right Banner?" Bruce nodded with a frown. Tony smiled and clapped his hands.

"Good, let's get back to work."

~~~ Time skip brought to you by Elmo and Rocko~~~

Clint shot arrows as he stood on the seats of the jeep. Natasha kept her head down as she drove, Y/n clinging onto the side of the car. She kicked one soldier back before grabbing one of the poles attached to the roof and swinging over Nat's head to slam another one. She smiled as Tony flew by. She kept flinging soldiers around left and right. Nat turned the car and let it drift as the three of them jumped out, in line with everyone else.

"Shit!" Y/n chuckled as she watched Tony swear after flying into an invisible force field surrounding the building. Steve, however, frowned.

"Language. Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?" Y/n punched a man as Steve responded.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any HYDRA base we've taken." She kicked more men down as Thor answered back.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last."  Y/n turned as Nat rolled a grenade into an enemy car. She smiled as the men went flying. She lept forward to take more men. Natasha sat up on the unconscious men she had just taken down. (a boss move)

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