Part 8

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Tony and Y/n walked down the tunnel. It was long, and Y/n was dragging her hand against the molded steel walls. The dim light illuminated the two as they went along in silence. They walked for a few minutes before reaching the end. There sat a large room, and in the center was a massive chitari animal. Steve talked over the comms.

"There's a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage." And after a few seconds, he spoke once again. "I got Strucker." Tony laughed as he looked at the ginormous alien.

"Yeah? We got something bigger." Y/n and Tony walked around the room. It was littered with technology as well as hundreds of boxes and metal cases, but a blue glow caught Y/n's eye. There sat the scepter. A blue ring hovered around it on its grey perch. 

"Tony, it's here." He smiled as he walked over. Both of them were transfixed with the scepter.

"Thor, I've got eyes on the prize." Both of them were so fixated on the scepter, neither of them noticed the girl walking up behind them. She stalked forward slowly and silently. She brought her hands up to Starks temple with a red glow. Y/n, who was in front, turned around as she heard Tony fall into the side table behind them. Before she could react, the girl was behind her, and then her eyes went red.

Y/n looked around, trying to see what happened when she saw a man walk out from the corner of the room. He stalked over to her slowly, and her face dropped as she saw who it was.

Her father.

"You're not here. Somethings wrong. You're dead. Somethings wrong." He laughed loudly, bringing his hands to his stomach as he rocked his head back.

"Yeah, something's wrong, with you! God, when do you stop hurting people! You are terrible at everything! You know, I'm glad I got shot that day in the field, 'cause now I don't have to see you be such a useless bitch every day." Y/n shook her head, tears starting to prick her eyes. She looked at his cop uniform, three bullet holes sprouting blood from his chest. The red marks were dripping against the blue top. One was in the left of his stomach, another in his right lung, and the fatal third wedged in his hearrt. He took another step forward, his heavy shoes clashing with the deafening silence.

"You have always been a disappointment. I never believed in you, not even with your powers. Did you really think you could do something? Change something? Well, you can't. You will always be nothing, just like you always have been." Y/n turned away. This couldn't be happening.

"You're lying, you're a liar. This is wrong. This is wrong." She gasped with joy as Steve walked into the room, Natasha in tow. Their clothes were clean, their hair perfect, not a line of sweat dripped from their heads. Something was off, and as she got closer, Steve sighed.

"God, I can't believe we have to deal with her. I wish Fury had never found out about her, then we wouldn't have to babysit her. She's never helped anyone, only messed it up. Again and again." Natasha nodded as they walked forward.

"You're right. She's the reason Clint just got shot, she was off, goofing around! She doesn't take anything seriously, no wonder no one takes her seriously! She can't keep up, not with me, you, or anyone else! Maybe it would be worth it if she was at least smart, but she's an absolute idiot! I'm surprised she can two plus two with how dumb she is." They walked forward, and right through Y/n. It was like she wasn't there. They laughed as they walked through her, as she cried. She saw Tony walk up with Bruce and Thor. She watched as he talked. None of them had evidence of the battle either, Bruce's glasses were clean, Thor's armor was polished, and Tony was spick and span.

"You know, I bet she's off crying right now. What a big baby." Bruce nodded.

"She's the same broken cancer kid she was when she was little. She hasn't changed at all." Thor agreed before stepping forward.

"This midguardian is most weak, she should be exiled." Tony laughed.

"I would prefer it so much if she was, then I wouldn't have to talk to her, ever! What a world." Bruce nodded.

"A world with Y/n sounds a lot better to me." Tony grinned before his face dropped.

"But she would just teleport back and annoy us more. What an absolute waste of space." All of their words piled on top of each other in her head. Repeating and repeating. Over and over. Again and again.

Tony's eyes lit up as he snapped awake. He looked around, the chitari still hanging from the ceiling. He looked in front of him, ignoring the sounds coming from behind him. His eyes came to Y/n on the floor, tears streaming down her face. Her eyes were still glowing red, and he could hear snippets of the words she was repeating over and over. Useless. Disappointment. My fault. My fault. My fault. Waste of space. Broken. Idiot. All my fault.

He slowly walked over and sat next to her. He put his hand on her shoulder and shook her, but she kept mumbling. 

Behind him, the blue blur paused next to the girl.

"What did you do to her? Wake her up. Wanda, wake her up," He spoke softly, and she slowly released Y/n's mind. Y/n gasped as she was brought back. She looked around the room, but Steve was gone. Nat was gone. Bruce and Thor were gone. Her dad, he was gone. Tony helped her up silently, they both seemed slightly out of it. Tony walked to the scepter and held his hand out. He waited.

The boy leaned into Wanda.

"Are you just going to let them take it?" She smiled as the hand of the Iron Man suit formed around Stark. He strutted forward and grabbed the scepter from its stand, small strikes of blue electricity swarming off it.



Word count: 1049

Yo, your daddy dead. Sorry for the slightly short chapter, I wanted to keep this one just about the nightmare that Wanda put on you.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it, and don't forget to comment and vote.


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