Part 52

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Y/n was sat at a barstool at the kitchen counter, watching as the doctor nodded slowly. He jumped back.

"Yep! Definitely pregnant." Wanda looked at Vision with a weak smile.

"Oh, well that much we figured." Vision sat forward.

"It's just kind of taken us by surprise. It's just kind of suddenly, quite suddenly, wasn't it? I mean, practically overnight, I mean, how did this happen?" Y/n grinned widely.

"You see, when a man and a woman love each other very much," Vision glared at the giggling woman. Wanda coughed and stood up.

"Well, we're just tickled pink, or blue." The doctor motioned to her belly.

"You're about four months now, is that right?" Vision shook his head before seeing Y/n and Wanda nodding and joining them. The doctor smiled.

"I thought as much. We let the little ladies keep tabs on their growing babies with fruit. Makes it simple for them." Y/n and Wanda frowned at each other, but let the doctor keep speaking.

"At four months, the fetus is about as big as a pear. At five months, a papaya. Six, grapefruit. Seven, pineapple," Y/n nodded.

"and eight, honeydew!" The doctor turned to her with a smile.

"Yes, that's correct. How did you know that?" Y/n paused for a moment, her face drawing blank.

"I have no idea, I guess I must have heard it somewhere." Vision put his hands on his hips.

"Hypothetically speaking, what size fruit would it be at, say, hmmmm, 12 hours?" The doctor frowned.

"Well, what? 12 hours?" Y/n snapped back to her regular self, patting the doctor on the back.

"As usual, I think Vision's thoughts are fruitless." Vision walked closer.

"Well, hypothetically speaking, should we be concerned?" The doctor walked across the room and picked up his bag before turning to Vision.

"Hypothetically speaking, every new father-to-be gets nervous." Vision stood straight.

"Well I have nerves of steel, so there goes your theory Mr Doctor Sir." Wanda cut him off.

"Vision, why don't you see the doctor out?" Y/n smiled sweetly.

"And can you stay out by any chance?" Vision scowled at her once more before turning to his wife.

"Good idea Wanda. Yes, thank you so much for dropping by Dr. Neilson." The two men walked out the door, leaving Wanda and Y/n together. Y/n reached out and held Wanda's hands.

"I can't believe how quickly this all happened. You missed out on so many maternity clothes." Wanda laughed as the two girls leaned forward to touch their foreheads together. Wanda softly smiled.

"I'm so nervous Y/n." Y/n let out a gust of air.

"Please. I mean, birth hurts like a, well like a word I shouldn't say with children present," Y/n pointed at Wanda's bump. "But that only lasts so long, the hard part is actually raising the kid. But you'll be an amazing mother Wanda." Wanda drew them apart before trying to bring them together again for a hug, forgetting about her massive belly in the way.

"How do you know so much about this?" Y/n shrugged.

"Lucas." Wanda frowned.

"Lucas?" Y/n tilted her head sharply.

"Lucas? Who's Lucas Wanda?" Wanda opened her mouth but no sound came out. Vision walked back inside, interrupting them.

"The strangest thing just happened with.. woah" Wanda and Y/n turned to face him. Y/n and Vision stared at Wanda's belly. Vision yelled out.

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