Part 47

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Y/n slowly rose up from the ground. Leaving Pietro lying there killed her, it was like tearing her own flesh away, but she knew she had to go on. She had to fight. Otherwise, what had he died for? Otherwise, she had let him die in vain. 

She stumbled forward, letting the gravel shift under her feet. She started to walk. As she picked up speed, she felt the wind brushing past her. Her legs throbbed as she ran forward, her arms pumping back and forth. As she sprinted, she let out grunts and heaves. She came to a halt in front of an enormous cater. She watched as Thanos threw Captain Marvel off him. He placed the last infinity stone in the gauntlet. 

She fell to her knees and Iron Man rushed forward, grabbing desperately at him, but Thanos tossed him aside as if he was a ragdoll. Y/n watched helplessly as he raised his hand, ready to snap. Tears rolled down her cheeks as he said his damnating speech. Short and sweet. 

"I. Am. Inevitable." 

And then he snapped. 

Y/n waited, bracing herself, but as she unclenched her eyes, she saw that nothing had happened. Thanos turned to his arm, flipping it over to find that all the infinity stones were gone. He whipped his head around to Tony. 

He was on the ground, his arm raised. All the infinity stones crackled with coloured lighting down his arm. 

"And I. Am. Iron Man." 

Y/n barely saw his snap as a flash of white filled her vision. All of Thanos's army, all his soldiers, his weapons, his ships, started floating away on clouds of dust. Thanos looked around himself, surveying the destruction, before sitting down. His breaths were deep and silent as he too disappeared. 

Tony fell to the ground. Rhodey walked forward, and so did Spider-Man. Peter spoke to him, and Rhodey had to pull him away. Y/n watched as Pepper walked forward, but before she could make it, Y/n had teleported in front of her. 

"No, how could you do this?" She wept in a heave, and held his hand. Her words mixed with sobs. 

"Screw you Thump." Y/n watched as he cracked a grin. 

"Thank you, Squeak." 

Y/n walked away and let Pepper talk to him. She turned back and kneeled to him. One by one, everyone kneeled. 


Y/n trekked back. It was slow, and it was heartbreaking, knowing what her destination was. As she reached the spot, she saw him, his sickenly sweet grin plastered onto his face. Y/n sat down next to him. She held Pietro's head to her chest. She called out, but her voice was weak. 

"Wanda, he, he's over here." She turned her head to see Wanda walking over. And they sat there, crying, holding him, and gripping each other's hand. Wanda looked up slowly. 

"Did he, did he say anything, to you?" Y/n wiped her eyes and cleared her throat. 

"Well, he, he" Y/n let out a chuckle. "He said he wasn't, that he wasn't going to leave us. That we had to get married first." Wanda smiled. 

"Sounds like him." Y/n smiled down at him. 

"He, also mentioned asking you. For a book." Wanda looked up, her eyes widened. 

"The book! Yes! How about I bring it to your place?" 

Y/n smiled. 

"I'd like that." 


Y/n opened the door with a soft grin. She gave Wanda a silent hug, both of them squeezing each other firmly. 

They sat down, tea in hand, just enjoying the peace in the air. Wanda smiled. 

"So, I heard, you have a son." Y/n's breath hitched. 

"I mean, yeah. I do. But," Wanda stopped her. 

"That's amazing. You must love him." The corners of Y/n's mouth crept up her face. 

"Yeah. I do. More than anything right now." Wanda matched her smile and squeezed her hand. She reached into her hand and pulled out a small present. 

"Pietro told me where it was. He said to give it to you if, if, you know, if anything would happen to him." She slid it across the small table to Y/n. The silver wrapping paper shone in the golden light of the day. Y/n couldn't help but smile as she pulled the long blue ribbon, the messy bow falling apart. She flipped the small present over and carefully peeled the tape off. As she picked up the book, Wanda couldn't tell if she was weeping with joy or sadness. 

The little orange book had yellow rings binding it, and a pale yellow block on the front. Flowers of blue and silver sat at the corners, and in a perfectly rustic font, sat the words 

Y/n's Book of Recipies 

Y/n opened it to find a note written on the inside. 

Dear Y/n, 

My Princesca, 

This is my gift you, for our marriage, other than my gorgeous looks of course. Here are all the things you have ever baked for me. I watched as you made them, before you could read, and when I found out you had not had them written down, I started watching, and memorising, and perfecting them to how you made all the cakes and pies and tarts.  Because I love doing that. Getting to watch you. You deserve the world on a silver platter, and I cannot tell you in any words in English or Sokovian how dear you are to me. You are my eternal hope, and wisdom, and joy. And marrying you will truly make me happier than I have ever been. I cannot wait to start my life with you. I hope it is as sweet as your chocolate cakes. 

All my love, 


Wanda watched as tears streamed down Y/n's face. She flicked through the pages, and low and behold, all her recipes were there, written down in his perfect handwriting. She sniffled, giggled and wiped her tears away before looking up. 

"Thank you, Wanda. Truly. If you ever need anything, I will help you. I promise." Wanda squeezed Y/n's hand. Before clearing her throat. 

"There is one thing. I, want to get Vision's body back. You don't have to come in with me, I just want you to come with me, for the drive. So I won't feel so alone." Y/n melted into a sympathetic grin. 

"Of course I will." 

Word Count: 1101

I uploaded this at like 11:58 so technically on time. Horray! Also, everyone should watch Alice in Borderland. It is a perfect show. 


Thanks so much for reading! Make sure to comment and vote, see you next week! 

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