Part 23

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Everyone was going everywhere. Whether it was on the run, or to kill someone who was on the run, everyone knew what they were doing, except that is, Y/n. After being left to help with helping the clean-up, she realized that Natasha had left. So there she was, in Vienna, alone. She had no money for sightseeing, not that she was really in the mood, and was therefore extremely grateful when her phone rang. The red background of the caller ID told her who it was, Natasha.

"Hey! Thanks for abandoning me here, I'm really happy about it." Even though Y/n couldn't see it, she could tell Natasha was smiling.

"You sound it. Look, I left so you could get checked out, you know, with all the choking you were doing." Y/n smiled and nodded.

"I was actually doing that on purpose."

"Really? Oh yeah, big time. In fact, I'm surprised you didn't join in. It was super fun." Natasha chuckled lightly, but it was enough for Y/n to hear. Natasha cleared her throat.

"Okay, I'm going to send you a photo, visualize it, then teleport there, got it?" Y/n grinned.

"Nice, trust the 18-year-old's skill level." Natasha shrugged.

"I've got nothing better." 

She sent through the photo, it was of a large walkway with glass. Y/n was hoping it was unique because if it wasn't, things could go messy. She closed her eyes and in less than a second, she saw them.

"Yo! Steve my man! Samuel, my dude! Did T'Challa kill that dude yet?"  Natasha shook her head as everyone frowned.

"Ooookay, too soon. I'm guessing not though." Steve looked at her.

"You guessed correctly. Now, we've just been arrested." Y/n laughed.

"Damn, you guys need to get good. I've committed tons, and I mean tons of crime, and I've never been arrested." Nat looked at her while stifling a grin.

"Okay, maybe now isn't the time to go into your criminal history." She placed her arm around Y/n's back and started pushing her forward into a walking pace which everyone copied.

"You say history buts it's actually pretty recent."


Y/n walked in a smiled to see Tony in the meeting room. She went over and high five him before leaving the room with Natasha.

"Why did you do that?" Y/n grinned.

"To mess with him. God, it's fun. you should try it." Nat smiled wickedly.

"Oh if I high-fived him, he might just collapse in shock." Y/n nodded thoughtfully.

"Right, maybe you should just smile at him. Now that, would mess him up."


All Y/n really wanted was a nap, but like everything else in her life, she could put that idea to rest. Right as she was about to fall onto a couch, the lights went dark. And while one might think that that would be helpful for napping, it also meant that something was wrong, something was very wrong. She rushed into the room as people seemed to start rushing out.

"What's happening?" Stark looked at her through his thick glasses.

"Barnes is in the dark, and the power won't come back on." Y/n groaned and released her head backward.

"I hope you're really regretting the heels right now Stark because they are VERY ANNOYING!"

Y/n teleported down to the room where Bucky was meant to be held and popped into the middle of the room as the boys continued fighting. She took off her heel and threw it at Bucky's head, which made him turn around for a second. That was enough time for Steve to get a punch in. Bucky pushed Steve into an elevator shaft and started to walk over to Sam, but before he could make it over, Y/n teleported...

onto his head.

She smashed his head with her fists before teleporting again. And again. And again. In the air, to the side, across the room, and since she was sitting on his shoulders, Bucky was being pulled along every time. He was stumbling off balance as she punched him. Her fists were getting sore, but she kept going. As soon as she had teleported again, he would flap his arms around to stabilize himself before quickly reaching up to grab her. She teleported into the air and pressed her hands into his head, pushing herself off him. She teleported more, this time without him. She was punching and kicking him out of nowhere. He screamed and thrust his hand out, grabbing her neck. He lifted Y/n up and she started sputtering. All she could choke out was a single word.

"Kinky." Bucky just growled and gripped her neck tighter with his metallic hand. Her eyes started to flutter closed and he dropped her to the floor. 

The ground was cold, but she only felt it for a second before passing out. God damn it.


Word Count: 826

I know this week's chapter is short, but I've been sick, and don't want to delay the update. So far I haven't missed a week and I intend to keep it that way.

Thanks so much for reading! Make sure to comment and vote, see you next week!

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