Part 54

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Wanda dropped the vase she had picked up to hide her stomach.

"It's coming. Oh. The baby's coming." Geraldine stepped forward.

"You're pregnant?!"

Geraldine and Y/n rushed Wanda into the living room. Geraldine swung all the pillows off the couch.

"Let's get you comfortable." Y/n looked at her with a small grin.

"Look, I don't think she's gonna be too comfortable no matter how many pillows she has." Wanda held onto the couch as she got herself to the floor.

"I think I'm gonna lay down right here. Okay, Vision ran to get the Doctor. He'll be back soon." The vacuum started running on its own as Geraldine pushed a pillow beneath her head. Y/n rubbed her hand.

"Wanda babes, there's not enough time for that. This is happening now." More appliances started going haywire as Geraldine grabbed a bucket to fetch water.

"Relax, relax, you know your breathing right?" Wanda started breathing but Y/n frowned.

"I don't think she's too relaxed," Geraldine called from the kitchen.

"Wand, I can't hear you!" Paintings span and lights fell as Wanda groaned. Geraldine dashed back in with her eyes flying around the room.

"I may be late to the party but I imagine there is a logical explanation for this." Y/n shrugged.

"Who needs logic?" Wanda screamed.

"OH, IT'S ALL PERFECTLY NATURAL!" Geraldine held her hand.

"Hey, you're doing great." Y/n smiled.

"She's right Wands, your doing amazing. You just need to push. Look at me. Hee hee hooo" Wanda joined in the breathing and Geraldine followed suit. Wanda sobbed.

"I can't do this." Geraldine's face turned stoic as she faced her.

"Yes, you can. " Wanda shook her head.

"I can't, I can't." Geraldine leaned in nodding.

"You can do this. Yes, yes you can. You can do this!" Y/n lifted up Wanda's dress with a smile.

"It's time to really start with that pushing. You ready?" Wanda shook her head as Geraldine smiled.

"You're ready. You're ready. Push. Push, Wanda. Push!" Wanda screamed out, and everything in the house span, flashed and smoked. She took deep breaths and Y/n held out her baby. Geraldine smiled.

"It's a boy!" Wanda laughed lightly as she took him and held him close to her chest.

"Hi! Hi. Oh, he's perfect." Vision slid into the room with the doctor on his back. He ran down to his wife in awe.

"Oh no! I missed it." Geraldine looked over at the doctor.

"Hey, Doc, why don't you help me out in the kitchen there?" The doctor panted as Geraldine took his hand.

"'We went so fast, it was like we were flying." Y/n smiled quickly.  

"Exhilarating, isn't it? Going that fast?" Both Vision and Geraldine lifted an eyebrow. The doctor frowned. 

"What did you say?" Y/n blinked, a blank look spreading across her face. 

"I said, exhilarating, isn't it? Labour?" Y/n giggled. "What else would I have said?"

Vision walked over with a goofy grin. 

"Oh, well done Wanda." Wanda smiled, staring into his eyes as if they were the only ones in the world. She looked at Vision's fake human face. 

"Well, don't you want to meet your son as yourself?" They were both silent as the face flashed away, revealing the red and silver head of Vision. Wanda slowly handed the baby to Vision. 

"Ohh, you're strong." Vision pulled the little baby into his chest. 

"Hello there Tommy." Wanda softened. 


"Yes, Tommy." Vision lent in to kiss Wandda, but right before Y/n could puke, Wanda let out a scream. Vision matched the scream.

"What! Good heavens!" Vision launched over to be by her feet, as did Y/n.  Vision sat up with raised eyebrows. 

"There's another baby coming!" Wandaa sat up.

"Billy?!" Y/n smiled. 



Y/n smiled as Wanda and Vision held their twins. The doctor grinned. 

"20 fingers and 20 toes. Congrats on your two healthy baby boys." Wanda smiled. 

"Thank you, doctor." He brushed it off kindly. 

"Oh, it's all in a day's work. And thank you for your assistance, young ladies." He turned to Y/n and Geraldine. "I think you two might have what it takes to be a nurse." Geraldine and Y/n looked at each other with a slow nod. Vision stepped forward and walked the Doctor out. Y/n took the baby from him. Wanda smiled. 

"I think I owe you both a debt of gratitude." Geraldine shook her head. 

"Really, it was nothing." Y/n shrugged. 

"but hey, if you're giving out compensation, I wouldn't say no." the three laughed lightly. Geraldine rubbed Wanda's shoulder. 

"You are such a strong lady. And look at your twins!" Wanda paused for a moment before looking turning to her. 

"I'm a twin. I had a brother. His name was Pietro." Wanda leaned over and sang slowly in Sokavian. Y/n laid down Tommy in the bassinet next to Billy. Geraldine slowly looked at her and spoke softly. 

"He was killed by Thanos's army, wasn't he?" A slow tear rolled down Wanda's cheek. 

"What did you say?" Y/n felt light-headed. She slowly stepped back until she could fall onto the couch. Neither of the other women turned their heads as she mutter the name over and over again. Pietro, Pietro, Pietro, Pietro, Pietro, Pietro. Y/n lifted her legs onto the couch until she was laying down. Wanda turned to face Geraldine. 

"What did you say, just now?" Geraldine looked down and up again, blinking quickly. 

"I said, Wanda, you're such a strong lady. Should I say it one more time for good measure?" Geraldine sat down next to Y/n's feat. She had curled up into a fetal position, muttering the name over and over. Wanda walked over. 

"No. What did you say about Pietro?" Geraldine tilted her head and blinked in a stunned fashion. 

"Pietro? Ummm, hey, I'll take a shift rocking the babies." Wandda's voice dropped. 

"No, I think you should leave." Geraldine stood up. 

"Oh, Wanda don't be like that." Wanda stared at Geraldine's necklace, a sword with an outline of a shield around it. 

"What is that, what is that symbol?m That symbol, what is that?" Geraldine thumbed it. 

"I.. I .. uh," Wanda frowned. 

"Who are you?" Geraldine just stuttered. 

"I... I don't..." Wanda's voice was rising louder and louder. 

"WHO are you?" Geraldine started backing away slowly. 

"Wanda, I... I... Wanda..." Y/n stood up abruptly. She watched das Wanda threw Geraldine through houses. In a second, she was in her bed and the moment was forgotten. 


Word Count: 1142

Sorry for the late update, it's exam week for me and school and other stuff has been crazy. 

I've decided that this series will finish at/after Wanavision, which means it might get a bit cooky and weird soon. there is also a reveal. A tiny one. Or a big one. I may be lying. 

Thanks so much for reading! Make sure to comment and vote, see you next week!

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