Part 48

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Wanda gracefully lifted plates and bowls onto racks with her magic as towels floated around drying them. Vision silently walked in, and as he did, a plate smashed into his head! He looked down before turning to Wanda with a charming grin.

"My wife and her flying saucers." Wanda smiled back with her hands on her hips.

"My husband and his indestructible head." Vision walked over and kissed Wanda on the forehead.

"Aren't we a fine pair?" As Wanda lifted the pieces of the plate into the air and back together, Y/n walked into the kitchen.

"What happened here? I hope my favourite newlyweds aren't fighting." Wanda and Vision chuckled before responding.

"Oh no, just a little accident." Y/n sat down at the counter with a grin.

"It's never boring with you two! And thanks for letting me stay here. The tour will be back on soon, and I'll be out of your hair." Wanda fused about shaking her head.

"Oh don't be silly, we love having you. And it's good to take a break from all that singing. You might lose your voice if you kept going all the time." Vision tugged at his tie with a smirk.

"And we would hate that." Wanda gave him a playful slap.

"What do you say to silver dollar pancakes, crispy hash browns, bacon, eggs, freshly squeezed orange juice and black coffee?" Vision looked up from his paper.

"I say, 'I don't eat food'" Y/n leaned over to Wanda.

"And I say, 'You must be magic'" Vision paced forward before looking to Wanda.

"Wanda, is there something special about today?" Wanda looked down at her outfit.

"Well, I know the apron is a bit much dear, but I am doing my best to blend in." Wanda walked over to Vision as he pointed at their wall.

"No, no, there. On the calendar. Someone's drawn a little heart right above today's date." Wanda's eyes widened.

"Oh yes. the heart. Well, don't tell me you have forgotten Vis." Vision leaned against the counter.

"Forgotten? Oh Wanda I'm incapable of forgetfulness. I remember everything. that's not an exaggeration. In fact, I'm incapable of exaggeration." Y/n smiled.

"Then what's so important about today?" Vision looked at her before turning back to Wanda with a blank face.

"What was the question again? Oh, well perhaps you've forgotten yourself." Wanda shook her head.

"Me? Heavens, no. I've been so looking forward to it." Y/n leant her head in her hand.

"You have?" Wanda nodded firmly.

"Of course!" Vision folded his arms.

"As have I. Today we are celebrating..." Wanda took a step closer.

"You bet we are. It's the first time we... have ever celebrated this occasion before." Vision leant his palms on the counter and Wanda copied him. Vision nodded.

"It's a special day." Wanda squinted.

"Perhaps an evening," Vision cut her off.

"Of great significance," Wanda smirked.

"To us both." Vision copied.




They leaned in for a quick peck before leaning out once more. Vision nodded.

"Well done us. All right, well, that's me off to work then." Wanda spun around quickly.

"Oh! Don't forget!" Vision walked over to the door and placed his hat on his head. Wanda and Y/n gave each other a look before pointing to their faces and flicking their wrists. Vision smiled.

"Ohh right." His face sparked as it changed from his metallic and red to the face of a regular suburban man. He blew a kiss to Wanda who caught it with a smile.

"Have a good day dear!" He walked out and as soon as he was gone, Wanda marched over to the calendar. Y/n grinned.

"You don't know what today is, do you?" Wanda looked back with a frown.

"Not a clue." Y/n smiled and turned her head as she heard a knocking at the door. She and Wanda walked over. Wanda opened the door and a lady waltzed in, handing a plant to Y/n.

"Oh! Hello dear! I'm Agnes, your neighbour to the right. My right, not yours. Forgive me for not stopping by sooner to welcome you to the block. My mother-in-law was in town, so I wasn't." And she didn't seem to stop. She strode in and stood by the couch.

"So, what's your name? Where are you from? And most importantly, how's your bridge game, hon?" Wanda smiled and shook her hand as Y/n placed the pot down and walked over.

"I'm Wanda, this is Y/n. She's my, my," Wanda stopped for a second, almost like she didn't know how she knew Y/n. Y/n smiled and shook Agnes's hand.

"I'm her friend. I'm staying with Wanda while the tour I'm on is on a break." Anges smiled sweetly.

"Wanda, Y/n. Charmed. Golly, you settled in fast! Did you use a moving company?" Wanda looked over at the boxes with a grin.

"I sure did! Those boxes don't move themselves." Anges laughed.

"So what's a single gal like you doing rattling around this big house?" She sat down on the couch and pulled Y/n with her. Wanda shook her head.

"Oh, no. I'm not single." Agnes furrowed her eyebrows.

"Oh, I don't see a ring." Wanda looked down at her hand.

"Well, I assure you I'm married. To a man. A human one, and tall. As a matter of fact, he'll be home tonight for a special occasion." Agnes smiled.

"Oh, is it somebody's birthday?" Wanda shook her head.

"No, not a birthday." Anges titled her head.

"Well, today isn't a holiday, is it?" Y/n frowned.

"No it's not a holiday." Agnes looked confused.

"An anniversary then?" Wanda smiled and rocked back and forth on her heels.

"Yes! It's our anniversary!" Wanda glided over and sat down on the other side of Agnes.

"Oh how marvelous! How many years?" Wanda's eyes widened.

"Well, it feels like we've always been together." Agnes held Wanda's hands.

"Lucky gal. The only way Ralph would remember our anniversary would be if there was a beer named June 2nd. So what do you have planned?" Wanda blinked.

"How do you mean?" Agnes frowned.

"For your special night. A young thing like you doesn't have to do much, but it's still fun to set the scene. Say, I was just reading this crackerjack magazine article called "How to Treat Your Husband to Keep Your Husband" and let me tell you, what Ralph could really use is "How to Goose Your Wife so You Don't Lose Your Wife" Hang on. I'll go grab it and we can start planning. Oh, this is gonna be a gas!" Agnes stood up and strode out. Y/n looked over at Wanda.

"Well, ain't she a spiffy gal!"


Word Count: 1185

WandaVision is starting! I love WandaVision so much, it's one of my favourite Marvel projects.

I saw M3GAN today and it was so funny! Me and my sister didn't stop laughing the whole time.

Thanks so much for reading! Make sure to comment and vote, see you next week!

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