Part 4

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It changed who came to give y/n food, and even though it had only been a week, she was ready to give in. Every day Fury came and offered her a chance to train with them the next morning, even though she had always refused, and she was sick of staring at the same grey walls all day.

It was Cap who brought her breakfast today. She liked it when he brought food, mainly because he would ask her how she was, and tell her anything that he had done to annoy Stark. When Stark would bring her food, she would throw insults at him until he walked out the door. At that point, she would yell thank you and he would yell screw you back. It always made her day. When Thor brought her something he would place it down and leave, same with Banner. But she hated the pity look Bruce would give her. Nat and Clint were the best though. They would make jokes, or even compliment her. She, of course, would do the same.

She grinned as Cap walked in with two pieces of toast.

"I'll do it." Steve looked up with wide eyes.

"I'll train with you. I need to get out of this room, even if it is to exercise." Steve laughed and opened door to the cell.

"We start in 15, eat up."


Cap stood outside the gym with y/n at his side. He pushed the doors open and y/n nodded slowly.

"See, this is why I need a sugar daddy. This is sick." She walked past him and stared at the large floor full of work out equipment. Stark looked at her with a frown.

"See, she gets it, you all don't deserve me. Also, why is she training with us? Isn't she a criminal?" Nat frowned.

"She isn't a criminal Tony, she's just stuck here. And if Fury wants her to train and join the team, then she will." Y/n shrugged her shoulders with a scrunched-up face.

"I love the support, girl power and whatever, but I did rob a bank once. But I never got caught. Anyway, let's train!" Steve stared at her. Clint let out a woop and patted her on the back.

"You're my hero." Y/n took a dramatic bow and Steve coughed to get everyone's focus.

"Okay, we are starting with a mile." Y/n laughed.

"Ha, no."


"No. I don't run."

"What do you mean you don't run?"

"I don't need to, I can just teleport forward. See?" Y/n teleported across the room, newly free of her power dampener and ready to put her powers to use. "There is no need to run."

"Either you run a mile, or you sit in the cell again. Think of it as team building." Steve put on what y/n called his 'mega patriotic proud papa' look as he spoke. She groaned and joined them on the large track that went around the room.

She kept up with them, easily. She was used to running, and it showed. Clint stopped as he reached the mile mark, in last place.

"How did you do that kid?" Y/n smiled.

"Oh it's easy, you just imagine Stark's ugly mug chasing you. If that doesn't make you want to run away I don't know what will." Clint pretended to wipe a tear from his eye.

"Can I adopt you? You're so amazing." Y/n shrugged.

"We'll you already kidnapped me, then held me here against my will." Nat stifled her laugh and Tony kept frowning.

"You know, sometimes you are great, but you're awful as well." Steve walked over with a smile.

"Okay, time for weights, then sparing!" Y/n watched as everyone made their way to the machine before she did the same.

Y/n put in her headphones and upped the volume before lying in the bench press. She took a deep breath. She lifted the weights with ease, rep after rep. She added on more weights, again and again. She got in the zone, completely oblivious to the small group watching her intensely.

She finished her reps and lightly placed the weights down before taking out her earbuds. The second she took them out she was back in the room, and finally noticed the eyes on her.

"Jesus, do you all know that you're creepy or are you unaware?" Steve looked at her in awe.

"Are you aware how strong you are?" Y/n grinned.

"Ah shucks, my therapist says I'm mighty strong." Tony frowned.

"You are stupidly strong, you know that right? You're stupid, but also strong. I mean, you're not a super soldier strong, but I'd be scared of you if I was at a gym." Y/n shrugged.

"Cool, I guess. I went to gyms a lot after school." 

Everyone moved to the sparring mats in the middle of the gym and stood around them. Steve walked to face everyone.

"Okay, who wants to go first?" Clint quickly raised his hand.

"Me, then I can leave quicker." Cap gave him a soft frown and Tony raised his arm.

"I'm with Legolas, I want to get back to work. And I want revenge for a few of this week's pranks." They stood facing each other as Cap stepped back, trying to not get in the way. They sparred for a few minutes before Clint shot an arrow right in a joint of Tony's suit. Steve walked forward and patted Clint on the back.

"We have a winner. I want to go next, any takers?" Y/n shrugged.

"I'm no asteroid, but I could still destroy a dinosaur like you." Steve frowned as Tony burst out laughing.

"Okay kid, step forward." Y/n got into a fighting stance. Steve stood still, waiting for her to make the first move.

Word count: 1001

Sorry for the late update, I completely forgot because I'm on school holidays.

I'm really mean and I'm leaving the fight for next week. Sorry not sorry. :)

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