Part 11

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Natasha and Steve walked out of the room. Everyone was in their suits and ready to go. Clint looked up with furrowed eyebrows.

"We have to go, where's Y/n?" Nat looked to the floor and Steve scratched his jaw.

"She's gone." Tony looked up at him.

"Gone? How is she gone?" Nat looked at Clint with a frown.

"We couldn't let her go on this mission, it's too important. She got upset, and she left." Tony walked around himself in a circle, running his hands through his hair.

"You made that decision by yourself? You cant do that! You can't ditch her and not tell us! Look, I don't have time to deal with this right now, but when we get back, I'm fixing this. You two have to stay out of this." Tony stormed out of the room.

~~~ time skip brought to by a material gorl~~~

Y/n heard Tony walking closer to her, but she ignored him. She kept sitting and staring straight forward. He stopped and stared at her.

"You know, finding you was surprisingly easy. I had Barton drop me off before he went to his safehouse." He waited for her to respond, to just say something, but she just stayed silent. He sighed and tried again.

"I'm guessing that was someone you knew." She finally turned her head. He frowned at the tear marks staining her face. He slowly sat next to her as she turned back to the headstone.

"Tony, say hi to my dad. Dad, this is an asshole." Stark looked at her, but she stayed staring with her knees at her chest. She frowned deeper and looked at Tony

"Sometimes, I don't visit him for a while. I can barely see his inscription anymore. I've almost forgotten what it is." He looked at the headstone, it was dull with moss covering it. The words were barely legible, but there were two overlapping hearts carved into the corner. Tony squinted to read the words.

"'Derek L/N, father, widower, officer. Good will put to good use creates a good world.' Nice quote. Did he used to say that?" Y/n smiled for the first time in the encounter.

"Almost every day. He was always so supportive of me. Of my powers. He helped me to control them. He always said he was proud, but I think he would be disappointed in me now." Tony frowned.

"I think all dads are always a little disappointed. Mine didn't try to hide it. How did he go?" Y/n looked at Tony.

"He was shot. Boom boom boom," As she said boom, she pointed to the three spots. "Stomach, lung, heart. 3 shots. I watched it happen, I ran over I screamed. I had to drop out of school. I told everyone that I was moving because of my dad's death, but it was really cause I couldn't afford it. I was terrible at school anyway. I barely showed up, I couldn't do the work. But hey, at least all of you guys are super smart and stuff." Tony looked at her.

"How old were you?"

"15. Just barely. But I saw him when Wanda did her mind trick. He spoke to me." Tony nodded slowly, remembering the torture.

"We needed you today. Steve shouldn't have made the decision to leave you out. You may be young, but you're still useful. And we need you now. So you're going to teleport me to Legolas's safe house." Y/n shook her head.

"I'm not cut out for superhero life." Tony shrugged.

"Doesn't matter. You're my ride. Even if you teleport away straight after, you have to do it."

"Fine, but I need a picture and a clear space. I don't want to teleport into an object, or person for that matter." Tony pulled out a photo and grabbed onto Y/n's shoulder. She looked at the photo and brought her hands to her face. With a flash of orange light, they were at the safe house.

~~~ at the safe house~~~

Tony and Y/n walked in and saw the others standing around. Tony smiled.

"Sorry, I like to be fashionably late." Clint walked over with Lila on his hip smiling.

"That's alright, we just got here." Y/n turned her head as toast popped up. Thor walked out, and Steve followed. Y/n looked to Tony.

"I got you here, I'm leaving. This isn't another lie, right? I can actually go this time?" Tony nodded.

"Sure. You shouldn't. I don't want you to. But you can." Nat looked at her with a frown.

"Stay for a bit, at least. It's your job now, as an avenger." Y/n tilted her head with a frown.

"A few hours ago it wasn't. And a few minutes ago, I was just Starks uber, so why does it only matter now?" Nat frowned.

"I shouldn't have let Steve make you stay. But I did think you needed rest. And now, you're rested." Y/n sighed.

"Fine. I guess it's fine." Nat nodded.


Y/n sat and watched through the window as Steve and Tony talked. She turned around as Lila pulled on her jumper.

"Hey, do you wanna play with me?" Y/n smiled and held her hand.

"Yeah sure, let's go to your room." Lila led her to a room filled with pink with pops of yellow. There were plushies and dolls everywhere. Lila sat down and pushed a book into Y/n's hands.

"Can you read this one to me?" Y/nn looked down at the book with a frown. She looked back at Lila and smiled.

"How about we play dolls instead?" Lila smiled and pushed a doll into Y/n's hand. It had s/c skin, and h/l, h/c hair. It even had an orange top.

"This one's like you!" Y/n smiled and looked at Lila.

"Your right! Is there one like you?"

After playing dolls, they started drawing. Y/n looked down at Lila's drawing and smiled.

"I think your auntie Nat would love that, why don't you give it to her?" Lila smiled and the two of them ran out to the kitchen of the house. Lila handed Nat the drawing and ran back to the room, but Y/n stayed out in the kitchen. She walked over to where Fury was cooking and started to take over. He just moved to the side and let her chop the last part of the salad. She ignored everyone speaking, and brought the salad to the table. She sat down and heard Banner say one sentence.

"Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?"

Everyone started to move around, so Y/n got out of the way. She left the room and ran straight into Laura.

"Oh, sorry! I wasn't watching! Sorry." Laura just laughed.

"No, it's fine! You're leaving?" Y/n curled her lips inward and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm not sure I'm much use right now. And they're six fully overgrown adults, I'm sure they can handle themselves." laura chuckled and looked at the girl.

"Actually, I think they do need you. You should stay. You're helping more than I am anyway." Y/n laughed.

"I'm not too sure. They kicked me off the last mission." Laura shrugged.

"And they failed that mission. And after that, Tony went straight to you." Y/n sighed and turned around.

"Why do adults keep making me be responsible!" Laura laughed as she walked back into the room. Y/n turned to Clint.

"Barton, your wife is very persuasive. It's very annoying." He smiled and she sat next to him.


Word Count: 1212

That's for reading! I hope you enjoyed this, and remember to vote and comment!

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