Part 30

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Last week, on Y/n's crazy adventures: 

They all turned to the front door as a noise started picking up. Screams could hardly be heard as silhouettes of people running flashed across the frosted glass door. Tony walked forward and pulled it open before walking out into the chaotic scene. They all followed, walking against the crowd, trying to see the source of the danger. Y/n could barely hear Tony and Strange barking at each other through the yelling and honking of cars desperate to leave. 

They walked into the center of the road as the wind blasted them, the dust flying higher than the buildings. A ship was lowering onto the street.  

Now that you're up to date, on with the show. 

The ship crushed the tops of buildings as it lowered onto the city. It was in the shape of a large grey ring, with orange lights glowing and swirling on the inside ring. Tony got FRIDAY to notify the first responders as everyone else looked around. As Dr. Strange lifted his arms, orange rings with ancient runes swirled around his hands, but the ship stopped before he could do anything. A blue beam of light shone down onto the street. Tony was the first to walk towards it, then Strange and Wong, and finally Y/n, with Bruce cowering behind them. The light quickly faded away as two figures appeared. One was tall and bulky, while the other was slender. Y/n couldn't see much from the distance, and joined the group in walking closer. 

When they came face to face, the small slender one spoke. 

"Hear me and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos." The bulky one seemed to be made of stone and raised his axe before letting it fall back into his hands once more. The small alien looking man, who lacked a nose, continued speaking.  

"Be thankful that your meaningless lives are now contributing." Before he could finish, Tony shook his head. 

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get outta here." The man still looked unfazed. He looked towards Strange. 

"Stone keeper. Does this chattering animal speak for you?" Dr. Strange started walking forward with a frown. 

"Certainly not. I speak for myself." Y/n sighed. 

"You speak too much. Look Voldemort, go back to your little death eaters and let us be." Strange looked at her with an inward pout before looking back at the man. 

"You're trespassing in this city and on this planet" Dr. Strange crossed his arms before readying them out once more, making the runes appear at his hands once more. Wong did the same as Tony stepped forward. 

"He means get lost Squidward." The alien man tilted his head towards the tall bulky alien. 

"He exhausts me. Bring me the stone." The tall alien walked forward, dropping his axe head to the ground and letting it create an indented line in the concrete road. Tony leaned over to Banner. 

"Banner, you want a piece?" Bruce adjusted his cardigan and looked between Tony and the alien which was slowly getting closer to them. 

"Mmm, no, not really." Y/n scoffed and crossed her arms and sank into her hip. She spoke quietly. 

"No surprises there." Bruce continued, letting his arms fall to his side. 

"but then again, when do I ever get what I want." Tony nodded, still not looking at Bruce. 

"That's right." Bruce started shaking his arms and torso, grunting as he tensed his body. 

"Okay, come on." Green was slowly creeping up out of his t-shirt line but was quickly falling back down. Tony looked swiftly at him, before looking back at the alien. 

"It's been a while. Good to have you, buddy." Bruce looked at him with a glare. 

"Okay, shush. Let me just... I need to concentrate here for a second. Come on, come on man." Tony looked at Bruce in disbelief. Y/n sighed once again. 

"Come on Banner? Can't you get it up?" She saw Strange's smile twitch, but Bruce was still Banner, and Hulk was nowhere to be seen. The alien was getting closer and closer, destroying discarded cars that were sitting beside his path, leaving a firey trail behind him. Bruce was still groaning as Tony shook his head lightly. 

"Where's your guy?" Bruce gave up, wheezing as he talked. 

"I don't know, we've kinda been having this thing." Y/n rolled her eyes. 

"This is no time for a thing." Bruce curled his lips into his mouth. 

"I know." Tony pointed at the large alien, now striding towards them. 

"That's a thing right there. Let's go." Bruce kept scrunching up his face, but the green was struggling to reach past his neck. Stange looked at Tony, who in turn looked back at Bruce with a side eye. 

"Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards." Bruce let out a gasp and turned to him. 

"Tony, I'm sorry. Either I can't or he won't." Bruce kept mumbling as Tony put an arm on his shoulder to comfort him. He leaned down a bit as he spoke. 

"Hey, stand down." He turned to Wong. "Keep an eye on him, thank you." Wong nodded as Bruce stepped behind him. 

"I have him." Bruce hung his head. "Damn it." Tony pulled on the strings of his jumper before tapping the blue "heart" twice. An Iron-Man suit spread out across his body. Y/n tugged on the collar of her jacket, and the fabric of her shirt and skorts tore away to reveal her suit. Bruce looked at her with a raised eyebrow. 

"You wore that for a run?" Y/n nodded as she lifted her fists.  

"When you hang out with Tony, you never know what's going to happen." 



Word Count: 1030 

I am kinda sick right now, so please forgive any grammar mistakes that may or may not come up. 

I am living for the Bruce slander in this chapter. In real life, I love him, and I can't wait for She-Hulk, but for now, I'm just roasting him. 

Thanks so much for reading! Make sure to comment and vote, see you next week! 

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