Part 1

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She poured the coffee, took the money, and gave the change. Again. And again. Hours and hours for days and days, but y/n didn't mind. In fact, a small part of her enjoyed the repetition of it.

She looked up and over her counter as she heard the bell above the door ring. The man walked through the door and up to the register with a smile. Y/n grinned as she talked to him.

"Hello, welcome to Coffee on 43rd, what can I get you today?" The man lowered his sunglasses and rubbed his goatee. He leaned on the counter and talked to y/n in a quiet voice.

"Look, I think we both know who I am and that I'm not here for coffee." Y/n kept her customer service grin and her stare as she looked at the man.

"Good thing we sell pastries too then." The man stood up straight and frowned.

"Quick witted, I like it. Let's cut the crap. Shield, you know shield right? The big government place? Well anyway, shield wants you at my tower, something about you being a threat. Now, come quietly and you'll get to meet Captain America without a bruised face." Y/n leaned back slowly, contemplating what to say or do next.

"Look, Mr. Stark, I don't know how or why I would be a threat to anyone unless I spilled their coffee on them. I am fine living how I am right now and have no intention of going to your tower. Now, if it's okay with you, not that I actually care, but I am going to leave my co-worker to close up now." Y/n walked away from the counter with a thin smile and newfound annoyance for Tony Stark.

"I can't let you just walk away." The girl turned back with a straight face and a glare.

"But I've heard you love to watch women leave?" Tony's fake smile dropped into a frown as y/n walked through the back door. She broke into a run, turning into an alleyway. She looked out, making sure no was looking before pressing both her pointer fingers into her cheeks with an orange flash.

When she removed her fingers from her face, she was back at her apartment, no Iron Man insight. She flopped onto her couch and rubbed her eyes and forehead. She knew the day would come when she was found out, when someone came looking, but she had also assumed that New York would be so busy with its heroes and villains destroying street corners that no one would care. Well, turns out they did care.

Y/n's mindless rambling of thoughts was broken by a knock at the door. She slowly stood up and walked silently to peer through the peephole. She shot to the side of the door frame as the door was kicked in. She watched as the door fell to the floor.

"Give a girl a minute would you?! My landlord is going to flip when he sees this! Why would you do that?! It took me that whole time to get to the door! Have some patience! My door is broken! What good does that do?!" Y/n not so slowly moved towards Captain America as she yelled at him, her finger pressing into his chest as she marched forward. His eyes were as wide as humanly possible as he banged his back on the hallway wall.

"I'm... sorry?" Steve raised his eyebrows as he spoke, not used to being yelled at by a 5 something woman after kicking her door down. Y/n crossed her arms. She leaned back on her hip.

"What for? Huh?" Steve looked past y/n, causing her to follow his gaze into a red-headed woman.

"This." Y/n's eyes widened as Black Widows' fist connected with her head. Steve caught her as she fell back and looked at Black Widow with a nod.

"Nice form." Nat walked past him.

"I know." Steve lifted the girl over his shoulder as he walked out, following Nat. Y/n grinned slightly as she carefully pick-pocketed Steve. With his keys and wallet carefully placed in her palms, y/n reached her hands up to her cheeks. Black Widow spun around as an orange flash erupted behind her, only to find Steve and the girl vanished. 

"Shit, Stark is gonna kill me."

~~~With y/n and Steve~~~

Steve gave a yelp as an orange flash surrounded him. Y/n rolled off his shoulder and gave a laugh as he spun around, confused as to where he was. 

"Well, this has been fun, and as much as I'll enjoy the bruise on the side of my head, I'm going to leave you now." Y/n turned to walk off but Steve grabbed her arm.

"How... where... what?" Y/n yanked her arm back and looked at him. She threw back his phone.

"Texas. Call Stark to pick you up, or the redhead, or whoever. I'm keeping your wallet though." Steve's eyes widened as the phone came towards him. He patted down his pockets before looking up to see y/n twirling his keys around her finger,

"Hey! You have to give those back!" Steve ran forward to lunge at her, but y/n just poked her cheeks and appeared behind him.

"But do I have to though? Cause I have them, and my ride out of here is ready, so thanks for the keepsake!" And with that and a smirk, y/n was gone.

Steve rubbed his face and groaned as he opened his phone and called stark

Hey Spangles? Who taught you to use a phone?

Haha, Tony, I need someone to get me. That girl took me someplace in Texas.

Yeaaah, I know,

You know?

I track your phone. Standard procedure.

That can't be legal.

Nothing we do is. Now, Thor is getting you, so sit tight.

Steve sat down as Tony hung up on him.

~~~ With y/n~~~

A grin had settled on y/n's face as she teleported to a park. It was starting to get dark, so y/n slowly climbed up to lay on a tree branch. Tomorrow she would need a new home, in a new town, and probably a new haircut too. She rubbed her temples as she thought. Why did all these heroes have to get involved? She didn't ask to be able to teleport, and she definitely didn't want to go to Stark Tower.

As that thought popped into her head, going to Stark Tower, her hands slipped. They quickly slipped down her face and onto her cheeks. With an orange flash, she was sitting on a meeting room table surrounded by the very people she was avoiding.



Word Count: 1133


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