Plans And Twists (Part III)

Start from the beginning

"What?" Erza sat up just as two familiar faces entered the room.

Jellal Fernandez and Natsu Dragneel walked up to the desk and picked up books, before smiling at Kinana.

Kinana smiled back and the two boys walked back to the tables.

Erza clenched her fists.

Those boys were out to sabotage her love story.

Oh, not today.

Erza Scarlet, wasn't that what he called her?

The redhead would not give up without a fight.

Mission Disable Cobra's Walking Ability was a go.

Jellal settled into a chair and flipped open the book he'd picked up. Natsu sat across from him, a bored expression on his face.

It had taken some compelling, but Natsu had finally agreed to accompany him to the library to look out for Eric.

Jellal noticed many things as he pretended to read.

Erza and Mirajane sat at a table.

Right behind them, Levy and Lucy occupied seats at a study table.

Although the other girls were pretending, he knew Levy had actually began reading her book.

A bookworm's weakness...

Jellal wanted to know what the girls were planning.

Obviously, they wanted Kinana and Eric together, but why was their entire group camped around him like it was a battle field.

Natsu yawned.

Jellal could feel Erza staring a hole into his head.

Eric did the same from the other side.

Jellal sighed.

Suddenly, everyone was at war with him.

Lucy shifted her seat to sit next to Erza as Mirajane went to sit by Levy.

Juvia was giving Jellal a suspicious look and Lucy couldn't help but be suspicious herself. What was he planning?

Erza fumed in her seat.

Kinana suddenly placed her book down and walked out from behind her desk.

Lucy straightened in her seat to watch her sweet, pretty friend walk over to where Eric sat reading his book.

The Cobra looked up as she appoached and gave her a tender smile.

Erza and Lucy leaned forward in their seats.

Kinana licked her lips, "Eric..."

"Hello, Kinana," He responded.

She smiled back at him. "Um, I was wondering..."

He looked at her, waiting patiently.

"... If, maybe, we could go to a cafe or something later..."

She bit her lip and waited.

He didn't waste a minute before he smiled, "That'd be great. We have a lot of catching up to do. Maybe tomorrow after school? I'll wait for you."

Kinana blushed. "Okay."

She walked back away.

The girls he'd already noticed tucked away in different tables made small celebratory noises.

Eric smiled to himself as he returned to his book.

The Cobra never missed things like that.

Jellal noticed Erza and Lucy stand up like their work had finished.

He thought through everything that had taken place.

Almost always, the story was under Jellal's control. Somehow, It was beneath his satisfaction if the characters he played with didn't experience a twist.

He rose hurriedly and tapped on Natsu's shoulder, "Say what I say to Lucy. Let's go, Natsu."

Natsu got up quickly and followed after the blue haired boy.

Jellal walked up to Erza with a smile.

Lucy looked up as Jellal and Natsu walked up to them.

Jellal gave Erza his charming smile, "Will you go out with me, Erza?"

Erza blinked in shock.

Natsu turned to Lucy with a serious expression.

Lucy's heart did a flip.

He looked directly at her before he grinned, "Will you go out with me, Erza?"

A/N: There you go!!

No hating, my NaLu shippers.

I love you but I love NaLu more and I WILL MAKE IT UP TO THE SHIP! :)

I'll update later.

Thank you guys for reading!


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