Chapter 124: Infiltration

Start from the beginning

Kazuma: hey, darkness, a newbie like you shouldn't just say whatever comes to mind.

Chris: Yeah, Darkness, a moment of carelessness could cost you your life. You don't have experience, so it might seem easier than it actually is to you. Just leave it to us.

Darkness: I- is that so ? Sorry, I shouldn't have interrupted...


"Path up ahead is clear, no guards in sight."

Kazuma: Would you stop boasting with your ninja powers ?

Chris: Good. Right, then, Darkness, follow right behind us.
"Darkness, neither of us have the 'Lurk' skill, unlike Kazuma or Chris, so don't let go, and stick close.

Darkness: O- Okay.

Kazuma: Right, since you're my underling for this mission, you can call me Kazuma-senpai.

Darkness: Kazuma-senpai.

Kazuma: Yeah, just like that... Darkness, can you say that again ?

Darkness: Ka- Kazuma-senpai.

Chris: Hey, lowly assistant, stop fooling around and let's go already.

Kazuma: Big Boss, dien't you ask me to do a similar thing when I first became your underling ?

Chris: This and that are different matters. Anyways, let's hurry on, lowly assistant.

Kazuma: Hmph. Listen up, newbie. Around this time, the master of this place will most likely be at the higher floors. Most big shots and bosses prefer to live in high places.

Darkness: No, I've visited this castle many times before. Lord Zereschrute should be sleeping close to the arena where the monsters are. Let's head there first.

Kazuma: ... Right, darkness, what we just told you is what to expect in general. Of course, we are aware of where the master of this castle currently is. We have the Enemy Detection Skill, after all.

Darkness: I- is that so ? Sorry, I once again said something unnecessary.

"You know, somehow, I feel like you had no idea where he was until Darkness pointed it out..."

Kazuma: You shut up. Darkness, you're new to this, so it's to be expected. And there are times when a newcomer can offer a fresh perspective on things. It's fine to voice out if you think something amiss. Right, then, let's head to the basement... Wait, before that...

Chris: This is my turn to shine. i'll have that door opened in a jiffy with my lockpicking skill... L- Lowly assistant, this is bad ! There's no keyhole on this door !

Kazuma: Are you serious, Big Boss ? What should we do now ? This isn't a magic door that can only be opened with a password or something, is it ?

Darkness: Hum, no, for these kinds of doors, you need to do this...


Darkness: It's a lifting door commonly found in old castles. It's extremely heavy and requires someone strong enough to lift in order to enter, so it's quite efficient at deterring thieves... W- What's wrong, you two ?

Kazuma: Hey Darkness, what would you have done if there was a trap ? It's only because of my high luck that it wasn't trapped this time, but...

Chris: Yeah, Darkness. What were you thinking, just carelessly opening that door like that ? It's only because you're with the luckiest persons in Axel that it isn't trapped.

Darkness: S- Sorry. I really didn't think of that.

"... You two may have the skills as thieves, but darkness has the knowledge of this place. I think she should take the lead from now on."

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