Chapter 22: Love

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Eli looked at me a surprize and then smirked. "Good." Then staring glaring again, i didn't move from my spot.

The blonde boy chuckled from behind them. "New pet Eli?"

"You could say that, when did you arrive here Bray, i thought you were in London?"

"I came to see my brother if that's alright, but it seems your busy..."

Eli walked up to me and grabbed my arm. "Your still going to pay though girl" He turned towards Bray. "Come with us, we need all the extra help, she's a fiesty one"

Bray chuckled a walked up next to his brother, we started walking towards the house, well let me correct that, they were walking, i was being dragged. Jasper walked ahead and went indoors. As we got to the bottom of the drive, I pulled out of his grip and marched inside. The window had already been replaced and the house was restored back to normal , you wouldn't even know that people were killed here. I came in a marched up the stairs before Eli got in the house. He called after me.


I continued to march towards my room, slammed and locked the door. I heard footsteps march up the stairs. "Get out here now!" He screamed banging on my door.

"GO AWAY!" I screamed back. I was sat with my back on the door, with my arms folded.

He continued banging on the door, but couldn't break though it as all the door in the house were safety doors. Haa jokes on him.

"I'm going to say it one last time girl! Get.Out.Here! before i kill you!"

I rolled my eyes and got up. Shit i've gotten brave. I unlocked and opened the door to reveal a fumming Eli. He took a deep breath in and nodded for me to go into his room. I did as I was told. I was already in so much trouble. I walked in and sat on the bed, he followed me in and locked his door. He started to pace up and down the room.

"Who do you think you are? You can't go out whenever you want to, do you understand?" He belowed.

Yes I nodded. "I was coming back, it's not like I can run off because i've got this!" I said pionting to my arm  "In my arm and beside I don't think you have right to shout at me because I, Yes me! Killed your worst enemy! I screamed. I was furious.

Eli stood there, i noticed his body started to shake with rage. Oh crap. I back away from him into the corner and hung my head down. I waited there for five minutes, until i heard his footsteps go towards the door. It opened and then slammed shut. I looked up to find I was alone. I made my way to the door but only to find it was locked. I kicked the door in fustration, and i kept on kicking the door.

 I've decided that I want to annoy them because I want to die. Full stop!  i didn't want to be one of them anymore, I wasn't a killer. I was Indie Carmen a quiet girl who got straight A's at school. I contined to kick the door until I heard loud footsteps coming towards the door.

 The door unlocked and swung open, Noah walked in a slapped me across the face.

"Stop that now, Your lucky your not dead with the way you just spoke to your master!"

I frooze what i was doing, did he just called Eli my master? Hell no! "Kill me, end my miserable excuse, i'm not a killer like you!" I screamed at him. "Kill me!"

He started laughing "You are one of us, incase you didn't notice you've killed FIVE men! Your a muderer!"

"No i'm not you bastard, kill me!"

"Why would we kill you, your just so useful" He came up to me while was saying this and stroked my face. I grabbed his arm, pushed it away and slapped him around the face. 

"Kill me!" I said  slowly but feircly.

"No, but if you keep having that attitude, i'll make sure that your life is more shitter than it is"!

I lunged foward at him "FUCK YOU!" I punched him in the face causing it too bleed. i continued to kick him, he laughed while i continued hitting hin causing me to hit even harder.  I was pulled off by rough hands and pulled into a warm, hard chest. I tried to break out of this gripp and go for Noah again. Noah got up of the floor smiling away.

"And that my sweet, is the attitude of a killer!" He came up to me and pinched my cheek. I kicked my leg foward and got him in the stomach. The arms around me tightened.

"Cool it Indie" Said the calm voice behind me. Bray. I stop imediatly and slumped backwards. Noah chuckled "looks like someones got a soft spot for a certain guy" he cooed.

I pulled myself out of his grip and walked out the room and down the stairs. I got to the bottom and went for the front door, but it was locked. I kept pulling at it hoping it would somehow magically open.

"It's locked"

I rolled my eyes and turned towards Isaac who was standing there with an amused look on his face.

"Well open it then, i want to go out of this shithole!"

He laughed. "Next joke, get in the garage your wanted"

I sighed and stomped into the garage. "What!?" I screamed. Eli was in there firing at the room, which was now back to it normal state of being covered in guns. He looked at me then pionted the gun toward me and shot it, just skimming my shoulder. I looked at him wide eyed and then move infront of his aim. He looked at me and lowered his gun. "Move girl, or i'm going to shot you!"

I stayed in my place, shoot me i mentally begged. He looked at me and then re-aimed his gun, he pulled back the trigger slowly, when I didn't move he dropped  it down again. "You really want to die huh! well i'll let you die,but i'll make it slow for you bitch, plus you need to learn your place again, how about a week in the celler again, or maybe I should start injecting you again, that wa fun last time" He winked at me.

I remember what he did to me. Bastard. He walked up and stopped right infront of me. "So what'll it be?"

I kept my stare at him. "Whatever you want!"

"Good girl" he patted me on the head.I shoved him away and he smirked at me. Asshole. I went and sat on a stool and watched as Noah and Bray joined the rest of the guys and starting shooting agian. I got bored after half an hour of watching and got up and went into the kitchen.

"Where are you going girly?" Asked Tristan.

I turned round to look at him. "I'm tired, therefore i'm going to bed" I started walking away and made my way to the stairs.

"Training starts tommorow girl!"

I stomped up the stairs. "Whatever" i mutterd under my breath.

Stupid ass jerks. That what they think. One day i'll get so good that'll I'll turn round a kill them all. I smiled at that thought. It was never going to happen, but it was still an awesome thought. I got to my room and flooped down on my bed. So there it was. I was offically one of the guys. My life couldn't get any worse, or could it?

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