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i've been hanging out with mingyu a lot recently, and he's quickly become my best friend. aside from my boyfriend, dokyeom of course. he's been super busy with recording and practicing lately, and i haven't got to see him that much. mingyu has had a bit more free time, so we've just been goofing off lately. it's harmless fun, and i'm really happy that i have him to keep me company while dokyeom is working. i miss him a ton.

today is a rare day where the whole band has an off day, and we decided to hang out. they chose to go shopping, which i obviously couldn't refuse. i'm on the mission to buy my first designer item. mingyu, being the boujee king he is, is insisting on helping me choose.

i started out the mall trip walking hand in hand with dk, having missed spending time with him. he kept kissing my forehead, and showering me in compliments, telling me how much he loves me. after a while, i seemed to have been pulled away by mingyu. he was bringing me into all the fancy stores and i got carried away. i ended up purchasing a purse at gucci, and mingyu was so proud of himself for picking it out. we walked out of the store laughing at something stupid he said, and i spotted my boyfriend walking with seungkwan.

"babe!" i said just loud enough so he could hear me from across the way.

he smiled at first, but then it seemed to fade when he noticed who i was with still.

i ran up to him and gave him a quick hug. "i finally did it! i pulled the trigger and bought a gucci bag!" i said, excited to share with him.

"that's great y/n" he said, not very enthusiastically.

his whole demeanor had changed from when we first got to the mall. he wasn't very happy anymore, and he was barely looking at me.

i nodded and shrugged it off, thinking maybe he was just hangry. he does love his food. we continued walking around from store to store, talking with the others. i tried to hold his hand every now and then, but he would never steadily stay intertwined with mine. he wouldn't look directly at me, and he wouldn't even speak to mingyu. i tried not to let it bother me too much.

"y/n!! come look at this!" mingyu yelled out to me. him and jun were looking at something in the window of a shop a little further down. with dk not really talking to me, i decided to quickly go over.

we were all looking at the store window, and mingyu laughed while leaning against me, something he often did when he laughed really hard. i thought nothing of it, since it was so common. that wasn't the case for my boyfriend, though.

"dokyeom, where are you going?" i heard seungkwan call out.

i turned around and saw dokyeom walking briskly away from everyone, turning a corner out of our sight.

"what's the matter with him?" jun asked as he reached seungkwan. everybody just shrugged, looking at me. i knew i had to go follow him. mingyu offered to come with me, i shut him down.

i couldn't find him anywhere, and he wasn't answering my texts. i texted him, pleading him to answer my call as i was getting really worried. he picked up the third time.

me: "babe, thank god. you were starting to worry me"

dk: "really? because i'm surprised you even noticed i was gone. you and mingyu seemed pretty entranced with each other"

i sighed, both happy that he just flat out admitted why he was upset, but also a bit annoyed at how he was acting. i never really thought he was the jealous type.

me: "dk, where are you? please just let me come talk to you"

the phone call ended as he hung up on me without answering. i looked up and saw him walking towards me hesitantly. he stopped when he was about a foot away from me, glancing at me without saying anything.

"you know that you're my most favorite person on this earth, right?" i asked, meaning every word.

he just shrugged in response. "i guess"

i took his hand in mine, rubbing my thumb over his hand softly. he looked up at me finally, sadness in his eyes.

"mingyu and i are good friends. it doesn't mean anything to either of us. we've been hanging out while you've been busy with work, and he's been keeping me company. i have missed you every second of every day, baby" i explained to him.

his eyes softened a little, showing he was listening.

"i've missed you too." he spoke, breaking his silence. " a lot".

i nodded, showing understanding. i kept holding his hand as he moved a bit closer to me.

"i was so excited to have this day off so that we could hang out. i guess i just thought we would spend this time together. but you were with him the whole time"

i frowned a bit, knowing he was right. "i'm sorry, baby. you're right, i should have been with you. i'm sorry that i let him pull me away. i wanted to spend today with you too." i said wholeheartedly.

i slowly closed the gap between us, wrapping my arms around him. i gently rubbed circles on his back as he stayed in my arms. he squeezed tight before letting go.

"i'm sorry i got jealous. i kind of acted like an asshole" he said.

"you're not an asshole love. it's okay. can we go home and start this day over again?"

he nodded eagerly, "please". "i love you. y/n"

"i love you too dokyeom."

he intertwined his hand with mine as we walked out of the mall.

for the rest of the day we laid lazily in bed, cuddling each other and rarely ever letting go. we watched movies and talked about a million different things while he threw in a bunch of "you're mine. never forget that" statements. i smiled at him each time, kissing his lips telling him that i won't ever forget.

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