Chapter 9: Hell on Earth.

Start from the beginning

"A Goblin who prefers painting over metal work. How nice." Sarah commented. 

"Goblins even go after their own kin it seems. Especially Ranrok." Sean said.

"All the more reason that we have to stop him." Sarah replied.

"Sarah..." Sean had another thought. "The Goblin Arn was saying something about most Goblins wanting a Diplomatic end to the conflict with Wizard Kind. Do you... think that's true?" He asked.

"I believe so." Sarah answered. "I think many Goblins truly do want an end to Conflict and would rather we all work things out diplomatically than with violence. If the response is violence, then they will recieve violence in exchange." 

"Ranrok doesn't seem to think that way." Sean commented.

"Not all Goblins are Ranrok." Sarah reminded. 

Both found themselves in front of a nearby Cottage in Upper Hogsfield. "You sure this is the right place?" Sean asked. 

"I'm positive." Sarah answered. Then she went up to the door. "Suppose I should knock first." And she knocked on the door. To answer the door was a middle aged woman with greying hair. 

"Ah, hello. You must be Miss. Sarah Parker." The Woman greeted. "I am Miss. Helen Thistlewood. Retired Auror. At your Service." 

"Yes, Madam Thistlewood." Sarah confirmed. "And this is Sean Cormag." 

"Hello." Sean greeted.

"I am pleased that you both came." Thistlewood said. "Uncle Eldritch believes the book you found- and its missing pages may be relevant to an unsolved case from my time as an Auror." 

Sean could also see the portrait of Eldritch Diggory smiling down at the two.

"We're listening." He replied.

"Come. Sit. I'll make you some tea." Thistlewood bayed as she passed the two some tea.

"Thank you." Sarah thanked. 

That was when Thistlewood got down to business. "Decades ago, a student named Richard Jackdaw disappeared after going to meet a girl named Anne. They never found his body." She started. "When his headless ghost appeared briefly in Hogsmeade, wholly unaware of how he died. Anne was convicted of his murder and sent to Azkaban." 

"Oh no." Sarah said.

"How did the Ministry find Anne guilty?" Sean asked.

"It was in large part due to the testimony of a girl called Apollonia Black. Jealous of Anne, I think." Thistlewood answered. 

"How can we help?" Sarah asked insistently. 

"Anne's alibi was somewhat... labyrinthine. She said Jackdaw promised her adventure following a map he found on some pages he'd stolen from Peeves." Thistlewood said. 

"So Peeves ripped those pages from the book I found in the Restricted Section?" Sean asked. "He's really pissing me off right now." 

"You and me both, Sean." Sarah agreed. 

"If my Great Uncle is to be believed, yes. At least that's what the portraits at Hogwarts suspect." Thistlewood answered. "Anne insisted that Jackdaw had asked her to follow the map with him, but only after she solved a series of puzzles he'd prepared. Odd way to woo a girl." 

"Oh, you can find odder ways to woo a girl, just ask Arthur who tried to woo Adelaide that one time." Sarah replied. "Or... when Garreth tries to find ways to woo me." 

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