"Falling in love, are we?"

Start from the beginning

"Eugh, me too. Come on, I'll take you." I say, looking at Sara. "I'll see you 4th?"

"See you 4th, enjoy." Sara tells me, before looking at Y/n and resting her hand on Y/n's shoulder. "Have fun, I'll see you around?"

"Uh— yeah. Yeah, sure." She answers, nodding her head. Sara walks away and removes her hand, dragging it along her chest first before letting it fall to her side. I chuckle softly, shaking my head.

"Sorry about her. She gets touchy fast when it comes to someone she likes." I inform Y/n, noticing her turn to me and begin to blush.

"Oh, I didn't know people were cool with LGBT+ people." I hear her reply, beginning to walk with me.

"How come?" I ask, feeling my shoulders fall as I begin to slightly ease with her.

"Well, I saw someone gay getting picked on. I thought people were still dicks about it." I hear her express to me,

"Is that what caused you to push Braye Addams?"

"Is that who the dick is?"

"Yeah, Braye's just a dick to everyone." I inform her, she hums softly and tucks her hands into her pants.

"Still, what an asshole." She complains, shaking her head.

"Yeah," I agree, sighing softly. "are you apart of the community?"


"Really? Me too." I notice her look at me with her eyes slightly widened. "What, is it too good to be true?"

"Actually, yes. I didn't think that you would be apart of the LGBT." I hear her confess, shyly, making me laugh softly. I rest my hand on her forearm,

"It's fine, most people think that as well." I assure her, noticing her look at me. Both of us maintaining eye contact and smiling at one another. I quickly look away, clearing my throat and blinking repeatedly. "S—So, you any good at math?"


"Ah, good. Can I copy off of you if I catch you up?" I ask her, earning a laugh from her. She nods her head.

"You can try, but it'll probably be wrong."

"Ugh, just when I was starting to like you." I say, teasingly.

"I'll earn it back, I assure you." I hear her reply, smoothly, resting her hand on my waist and pulling me toward her. Seeing someone fall past me and onto the floor. I glance back and realise that his friends tried to push him into me but obviously failed. His friends laughing at him and him beginning to laugh as he gets up.

"How'd you know?" I ask her, looking at her and seeing that she's swapping places with us.

"I have my ways." She replies, tapping the side of her nose and sending me a wink before beginning to head up the stairs with ease while I take a step at a time, feeling like I'm gonna need an inhaler after each step even though I'm not asthmatic. I just am unfit. These stairs are killers and they kill my legs every time I have to go up them.


It's lunch at the moment and I notice Y/n glancing around, wondering where to sit. I get up, heading over toward her.

"Hey, hey, Y/n— hey." I greet her, resting my hand on her forearm, noticing her head turn to me. She begins to smile widely,

"Hey, Ellie." She greets me, turning her body toward me. "You okay?"

"Follow me." I say to her, slinging my arm around her and dragging her toward my table.

"Wha—? Ellie, I don't think your friends like m—" She interrupts herself when we're in front of everyone, "uh, hey, hey everybody." She greets everyone, waving awkwardly at everyone.

Jenna x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now