62 x They Have Their Reasons

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Imagine waking up everyday to your dream. That's how Juan felt this morning. It seemed liked he never have time to marvel at life because he was always on the move. Before he went to practice, he was going to just take that time to view the view.

This would be one of the last times he would be at his own apartment because he was finally moving out. He had yet to tell Cynatra. Once this series was over, he would have a week to move in and give her the surprise of a lifetime. He finally found their starter home.

His family home wasn't that large growing up, he was used to not having a lot of space. Her family home had too much space with nobody but her in it. This new place, the one they called their own would be an adjustment.

Sprawled in the middle of the bed, Cynatra laid comfortably. He laughed at the fact her bonnet fell off her head but was covering her face. The only reason he didn't care is cause she planned to wash her hair today.

Well he planned on helping.

"Monët, you gotta get up." He chuckled as she began to stir. "No, come back to bed."

The shirt she wore rose a bit exposing her growing bump. They were having a baby. Bringing life into the world. Regardless of their other road blocks, they would push through to insure this collaboration would be their best.

Laying across the bed he immediately began caressing her stomach, "You wanna go to breakfast don't you?" Juan kissed her stomach a few times before going back to rubbing it.

"You've been talking about French toast for two days too many, I wanna make that happen mamí but you gotta help me by getting up."

He could see the pout clear as day on her face as she kept her eyes closed. Of course she wanted that French toast. Juan began caressing the low curve of her bump before playing dangerously close to her panty line. His thick fingers moving the cloth to the side to play with her wetness.

"It seems like you're just always wet." He joked, opening her legs a little more. His focus only on stimulating her clit. Cynatra's lil pants were cute, putty in his hands and more than awake as he continued to pleasure her. "Baby." She whispered which caused Juan to smirk.

"I'm only gonna finish cause you deserve it okay?" She bit her lip, enjoying the feel of his hands on her. "Everything about you is pretty." She gripped the sheets under below her as he continued to soak his hand from the play time.

"Finest woman on earth you hear me?" She nodded rapidly as she felt the knot in her stomach build. Cynatra grabbed his wrist that was planted firmly on the the bed as her wave of euphoria washed over her.

Juan leaned over to give her a kiss, a nasty one. "Girl you keep playing with me and ima make you sit on it."

"That is not a challenge." She smirked, "But I need the French toast my little boyfriend gonna buy me."

Jeffery felt overwhelmed as he sat In the waiting room for his next counseling appointment. He was officially three months sober but the habit kept clawing at his skin. He needed a fix. Heroin was his drug of choice and it was the reason he could never be his best.

James' stipulations to his inheritance was getting sober and becoming a real man, becoming a father.

He was sober for two days after his brother's funeral and then he was angry for a month before attempting to become sober again. When that failed, he continued to spiral until the night his daughter announced her pregnancy. He hit rock bottom.

He finally couldn't do it anymore, he needed to change.

"Uncle Jeff, why am I picking you up from here?" Ricki asked moving her bag from the passenger seat. Jeffery didn't know how to begin this story of how he got here but his own brother was too busy to pick him up and he sent Richelle.

"Just handling some business niece. Do you know what Jannelle is making for dinner?"

"Nah, no dinner tonight, she has work. Everyone is gonna be at the game." Ricki shrugged finally ready to pull off. Jeffery didn't know everyone was going to the game but he didn't expect to anyways. He was used to being on the outskirts and limited in invites to places. His behavior spoke to his reason of exclusion.

"Ah, how's Cyn and the baby today?"

"They're good Unc. It's nice that you asked."

Patricia groaned as Antonio talked her head off, he was planning to take Avery out after school but Andrew was already picking him up. Antonio waited in the Toscano living room.

"Papi, you're giving mama a headache." Ariana laughed. She could see her mothers irritation clear as day.

"Sorry." He laughed, turning to Patricia he placed his hand on hers, "Sorry my love."

Patricia grimaced before sliding her hand from under his, "Antonio, you can have a seat next to Ariana in the living room. I have to get back to my orders."

Patricia wanted to branch out and right now her new business of home making was working well, she would do pottery and quilt making to advance the home. Some of her pieces have sold for a lot due to her son but she wanted her business to be affordable for all.

Avery ran through the door to hug his father, someone he was happy to see. Andrew politely waved to his father before hugging his sister and giving his mother a kiss.

Andrew knew Juan would have a fit if he knew Antonio was in the house. He didn't comment on what they chose to do with him relationship wise because he didn't want to talk about their father at all. But, had he walked in it would be a real issue.

"Avery, you ready to go?"

"Yeah, just please have me back before the game. I gotta see it." Avery begged.

Antonio knew there was a game but he expected that Avery wouldn't mind missing it. There were plenty of games to go to and he knew Avery had been to plenty.

"Okay son, Let's make our way."

"Listen Juan, I'm sorry. I didn't think I was causing issues for you." Shalissa was at the game, I mean everyone from the town was. She had caught him during shoot around before most of the fans got in.

"You didn't think at all. You never actually asked. Shalissa, we don't talk and he hasn't for years. We see each other by chance and you just keep popping up after that. Then the shit on social media. You knew what you were doing. What was the point of apologizing for treating me badly to then do this?"

"I'm sorry okay. After I saw you the first time, I wanted to get close again, I didn't know how. I wasn't stalking you. But the social media shit was wrong."

Juan stood a safe enough distance away from her, he didn't have time to get caught up, especially since his relationship was doing well. He was happy and his plans were working.

"Glad you admitted it. We good."
"That's it?" She frowned.

"That's It. I'm at work right now, as you can see." He gestured to the arena. "But also we don't have more to talk about. My life is on the right path. I'm happy. Plus I got other shit to worry about. You take care."

"Yeah, you too." Juan walked back over to the circle the team started to merge into.

Steve gave his opening speech and the confidence from the bench to the parking lot was high. Dub Nation went into this knowing that there could be a large win in the Chase tonight.

"I told you they would do better after they for their feet wet." Ricki joked. The Warriors had an answer for every Lakers play. It was as if they knew their play book front and back.

"Let's go 95!" Cynatra cheered as Juan blocked a shot.

End of the first quarter and Cynatra looked around for Juan's biggest fan:


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