50.6 x Moments in Philly

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Baby I'm sorry, answer the phone. I was wrong for yelling at you.

Cynatra, I hate arguing. You know that. Call me back.

Juan hated what happened two nights ago. Cynatra hadn't spoken to him since and he would be home in two days. The team sat in the Wells Fargo center running through drills. It was eating him up that he somehow let the game get the best of him and took it out on the wrong person.

Cynatra on the other hand was too busy in pain to worry about responding to Juan. Their child was having a time and wouldn't let her stand more than a minute. Ricki and Jaiden had to help her to the rest room so that she wouldn't pee on herself. Rolling over she saw his text messages and decided to call him back.

"Hey, I'm sorry." He rushed, but when he heard her sniffle, his heart sank. "Please don't cry Amor. What's wrong?"

"Your child won't let me get out of bed, I can't eat anything and I miss you. I'm so sad."

"I'll be home in two days, I'll spend every moment I can with you." He promised. "I was frustrated the other night and it wasn't your fault."

"You damn right it wasn't. Don't talk to me like that again, I'm not playing with you." She warned.

"I got you, I love you."
"I love you too. I wish I was with you now, you're where the cheesesteaks are." She sighed, all she could think about was the stripped and seasoned steak paired with cheese.

He couldn't get her one from Philly but he knew of a spot in LA that was owned by Philly natives and he would add that to the list of things to get on the way home.

"I'm gonna call you back later okay?"

Cynatra wasn't happy about it but she was used to him having to cut their conversations short during away trips. Although she wasn't feeling well, she had her work laptop and school laptop out. Business needed to be handled.

There would be an all staff meeting on Thursday morning that she would be leading. She just needed the menace in her stomach to relax so mommy could get things done.

The finances were in great standings and the marketing team prepared a presentation on how they were going to elevate promotions on a national level. There was an outpouring of inquiries after All Star weekend about potential location expansion.

Round 1 was and still is the most successful solo gym to date. There was something about that accomplishment that Cynatra wanted to keep.

After two hours of straight working, she finally took a break. She attempted to go to the bathroom on her own, and surprisingly she made it without help.

"Thank you, thank you, sweet baby." She rubbed her pudge before sitting on the toilet. Lately she would end up sitting there just on her phone distracted.

She rarely received live notifications because she would post and go but, strangely she had notifications while on the app and she hadn't posted in some time.

I thought he was with @ cynatramonet??? Who is this girl?

Against her better judgement, she clicked the notification that led her to the post. It was a photo of Juan and some woman hugging at a restaurant, the same woman at the Heat game and a video of him at the club in Charlotte talking to a group of women.

"This little bitch." She laughed. Locking her phone before rushing her post bathroom routine. As she scrubbed her hands, she kept looking at her phone, becoming more annoyed.

Once she dried her hands she unlocked the phone calling Juan back. He didn't answer.

"He's gonna come home and go missing if he don't answer this damn phone." She tried again, letting it ring until the voicemail.

Kindred Spirits | Juan Toscano-AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now