41 x My All-Star pt. 2

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Juan was nearing the end, Cynatra had been putting in the work, slurping him up in the best way. If he wasn't tired before he certainly was now.

"Damn Amor." He gritted as he thrusted into her mouth. She allowed him to have his way, because trying to satisfy all of him was getting tiring.

His seed shot down her throat, Cynatra didn't have much choice but to swallow it because he was still locked between her jaw. She cleaned him and covering him, before going into the bathroom to brush her teeth. When she returned Juan was asleep, as she planned.

The next morning Cynatra woke up to a semi empty bed, there was a note left by Juan.


Today might be a big day for me but it's another day closer to your birthday and each hour all I'll be thinking about is if you're happy and hoping I'm the one who's responsible for it. You have brunch with the girls lined up, a shopping spree, unfortunately a work interview but that'll be a breeze for you. And I'll be seeing you right after the contest for a long ass night.

I love you,


Hazel was the first to stop by the room, which was strange because she's normally the last to be ready.

"You're early, what's going on?" Cynatra asked adding some gloss to her lips. "What makes you think something is going on?"

Cynatra looked over to Hazel who seemed out of her element. "Okay Haze, what's up?"

"I think Dray is cheating on me." The announcement had Cynatra blink a few times because that was way out of left field. "What made you think that?"

Hazel finally sat down on the couch, "I think he's been sneaking around with one of the nosey ass reporter hoes."

"The Andrews?"

"Yeah, them!" Hazel sighed. "There's been too many back and forth between them and he hasn't mentioned an interview or anything."

Cynatra felt for Hazel, she looked upset, defeated even. "Has he given you any other sign?"

"He hasn't touched me in forever and we used to be all over each other. He never wants to talk. Everything is different, I don't know what else to think. I didn't want to ruin your weekend but, I couldn't go to Esh and risk Steph's ass hearing."

"That doesn't mean he's cheating Haze. Are you going to ask him about it? You guys definitely need to talk." Hazel nodded, "Yeah, as soon as we get back, right before we go pick up the kids."

"Until then, don't worry yourself. I really don't think he would do that. You have to have faith that he's honoring your vows." There was a knock on the door and they assumed the rest of the girls were ready.

"We can talk about this later?" Hazel got herself together, "No, it's your birthday weekend. Sorry I even brought it up. We're gonna turn up! Lemme stop all this whining and open this bottle of Dussé I see."

Cynatra laughed as she opened the door to greet her guests, Ayesha, Mariah, Mychal and Sydel filed in, ready to go. "Are you ready for more of Castle of Cyn?"

"I absolutely am. This is one of the best birthdays in a long time. Let's get to brunch."

Cynatra enjoyed the brunch with her friends. They had girl talk, a real one which they hadn't in some time. Hazel shared how she felt about her marriage. Ayesha and Sydel encouraged her that things could be rough but, it doesn't mean it's something as detrimental as cheating.

Reviewing the email for her interview today, a name stuck out like a dagger in the heart:

Malika Andrews

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