11 x Touch Me, Tease Me

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"I know things haven't been ideal, but is it too much to ask for you to come to opening night? I really want you there."

Juan sat across from Cynatra at a restaurant. Nothing fancy, they happen to be hungry after a long work day.

"It's not too much to ask. I just don't want to be front and center. That's fine right?" Cyn was not interested in being seen or known, at least not yet.

She wanted to be more established before people picked and prodded over her every move, part of the reason Juan posting her in any capacity gave her anxiety. Cyn did not want to be known as

"The girl who's always with JTA"

She had her own name and wanted to be addressed as such.

"Just as long as you're there."

Since that moment in the bathroom, they hadn't been as distant.

When she went upstairs to change for the fourth time, she opted for a black oversized shirt and black sweatpants. That was there was no skin showing and less access for Juan to have his way.

It was a bit overwhelming at dinner because he refused to be anywhere but near her. She wanted to crawl out of her skin because Juan found plenty of ways to tease her throughout the night. Placing his hand under her shirt to rub her stomach, random booty rubs on the couch or in the kitchen.

Being the last person to go home. He even went as far as to making her sit on his lap when they talked.

They acknowledged it for what it was, or what they thought it was.

Sexual tension.

Recognizing they spent a lot of time together and that's how their attraction built. It didn't help 
that they were both single, and a bit out of touch with having a sexual partner.

They also agreed that it wouldn't be smart to do anything more about it. Maybe, just maybe friends with benefits but even that in a working environment could be toxic.

Cynatra could imagine one night being in eternal bliss and the next day fighting a basketball groupie in a club.

She'd rather not.

She did have to stop herself from imagining his head between her legs while watching him eat ice cream recently but other than that she was doing good.

He on the other had been spending even more time working out to release his emotions.  First game after he played with her, he had 15 points, 4 assists and 3 rebounds.

Jordan joked and said "whatever you did this past weekend, keep doing that", besides finger fucking Cynatra, he caught up on some sleep.

He didn't feel right talking about it to anyone besides her and he didn't mind If she told Ricki. But she hadn't actually told Ricki yet, even though she asked what changed.

Cynatra's main thing was, he still couldn't produce a reason why he ignored her. It wasn't like he texted back hours later or called at inconvenient times, he just didn't respond.

In her mind there wasn't anything happening until he could be a man and explain himself.

"You never told me how that spin class went." He inquired.
"Wouldn't you like to know." She sassed.

"Wow, you not gone tell me?"

When she laughed, it warmed his heart that he was the one reason.

"It was fine. Sydel is sweet. I met Mychal too and some other people. You've been bonding with the guys right?"

Kindred Spirits | Juan Toscano-AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now