13 x Do It

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Cynatra was doing her Sunday cleaning. She never let the house to get too messy. The holidays were approaching and she wanted to go all out. Especially to honor her father. He loved the holidays. It would be hard but she would get through it.

Ricki had been on aux helping Cyn clean. If You Love Me by Brownstone started playing. If wasn't the theme of her current situation, she didn't know what was.

"Want a love that is based on the truth, not just dare. You will not hurt my pride if right now you decide, that you are not ready to settle down!" She sung using the broom as a microphone.

Ricki was recording and singing along as well. "Lemme prop this up!"

She set up the camera to join in on the fun. "If you love me!"

"SAY IT. If you trust me!"
"DO IT!"

After their mini concert, they got back to cleaning. There was a knock on the door. She looked through the peephole before unlocking it. It was a delivery girl with a bouquet of flowers.

"Cynatra Allen?"
"Yes, that's me."

"These flowers are for you. Can you sign off on them?"

Cyn signs the document and waves goodbye.

"What's that?" Ricki walked over to help with the door, locking it.

"Some flowers."
"Ooouuu from who?" She asked trying to peek.

I'm in Dallas but I'm thinking about you. I hope you have a good day 🧡


"Juan sent them."

"Well that's romantic of him... he didn't say anything else though right?"

"Nope." Cynatra placed the card back  with the flowers and continued cleaning.
"We not gonna talk about it?"

"Nothing to talk about Ric. It is what it is."

Juan sat a brunch staring at his phone awaiting for Cynatra to say she got the flowers.

"Bro, you barely touched the food." Jordan observed.

"Yeah, I know."

After the conversation in the park, Juan legit couldn't do anything to appease Cynatra. She wasn't ignoring him, she didn't separate herself from him or the group.

She didn't showcase any emotions. It was like she had been on autopilot. They hadn't even hugged. One of his favorite things to do and he felt like if he put his hand near her she would snap. He was waiting for her to snap.

"What's going on?"
"Me and Cyn are not in a good place."

"Shit, again? What happened now?"

"I think we have different expectations of where this is going."

"Where what is going? I thought y'all were friends."

Juan had to explain everything to Jordan, leaving out the some details but he needing someone to understand what was going on.

"Well no shit Sherlock, I see why she don't wanna be bothered." Jordan started forking the omelet he had in front of him. "You mean to tell me, you don't see an issue with that?"

"With what?"

"Juan, c'mon bro. Imagine, you feeling someone and you wanna explore it but instead of them saying they feel the same, and doing it, all they're able to do is make you cum? That don't sound crazy? Like you'd feel good knowing that she ain't wanna have dinner with your mom and siblings but she'll suck a mean one in the car on the way home. Anyone can do that shit."

Kindred Spirits | Juan Toscano-AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now