30 x Face Your Fears

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That feeling of anxiety you get once you realize something right is going completely wrong.

Cynatra called Dr. Ali the next day, while checking the mail. She was being called as a key witness in the sexual assault, harassment and abuse charges against Taquan Bridges between the years of 2019-2021.

Summoned to court to speak on her own assault, in hopes of putting him in prison.

She needed to tell her loved ones, before it hit the news. Because six different counts of sexual abuse is not something that would be kept off of television.


All Cynatra could think about was how they would react. Her biggest fear was shame. She felt dirty all over again. Her change in demeanor went unnoticed by everyone except Juan. Who had been trying to figure out what was wrong for the last two days. Black Friday they had a game and suddenly she wasn't feeling too well, she stayed home.

She wanted to stay home for the Friendsgiving too, he was going to let her. He learned not to force her to do anything she didn't want to do.

"You're getting dressed?" He asked fixing the chain on his neck.
"I've decided to go."

Cynatra walks over to him to help fix the gold chain. "You sure? You don't have to."

"Yeah, I'm sure."

She desperately wanted to tell him then and there, but that would ruin both of their nights. He looked genuinely happy right now, just be with her and regardless of how and when he found out, it would change everything.


It had been raining pretty hard on a Friday spring evening in Atlanta. Cynatra just left class to meet Taquan at the Waffle House. He had been asking her out consistently for the last semester, the winter break and finally she said "fine" to going to dinner.

"Hey Cyn, what brings you in here today?" Ms. Tracee asks pouring her a cup of coffee.

"I actually got asked on an outing and this is the safest place to me, so I said we can meet here."

"Well that's smart. You ready to graduate?"

"I absolutely cannot wait, I started looking at apartments down here. I think I'm securing my internship with the firm. Life is good, just these two classes and masters shawty!"

Cynatra was ecstatic. She was accomplishing her goals, doing something for herself.

An hour later Cynatra sat at a booth in the corner, finishing a paper that was due in two days. The hustle and bustle of the patrons in the establishment oddly put her at ease. She hadn't noticed the time until her phone buzzed.

How's the date going?

Oh girl, I forgot she was went on that date. Can't believe y'all convinced her to go out with his weird ass.

Stop being mean! Quan not even that bad. How's it going Cyn?

Cynatra looked around and remembered someone else was supposed to be with her.

Lol he's not even here. So there goes y'all investment.

"Mario really got chopped and screwed pigs in a blanket." Ricki lifted up the pulled pork in toasted dough combo.

"That's the most Dominican thing he's ever done." Jaiden joked, "but best believe I'm eating this." He grabbed one for himself.

Cynatra sat in the corner with a cup of coquito, sipping slowly. One of her favorite parts of the holiday season was the spiked drink.

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