60 x Mentality

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"Damn, you let cuz knock you up?" Cynatra, Ricki and Jaiden were sitting down in the living room at Uncle Ricky, aka Kurrupt's house in LA.

"Damn Unc, you ain't have to say it like that." Jaiden choked on his food. This is where they were spending the day before game 1 of the second round. It had been quite some time since they were all in town.

The home might've been right in the middle of the City of Angels madness but, it was protected in more ways than one. No one could tell do anything to that place without it coming back to them. It was like the Allen magic reached wherever.

"Yeah Uncle Ricky, I did." Cyn awkwardly laughed. "Well I'm happy for you. Shit, you deserve it."

"You have your meeting with Vanessa today right?" Ricki asked while fixing her own nails. "Yeah, I'm gonna meet her in like two hours."

Cyn would be visiting Sports Academy, formally Mamba Sports Academy to meet with Vanessa Bryant. It had been a few months since she mentioned a scholarship program at Round 1, hopefully they could work through logistics.

Juan laughed at a joke Rich Paul made as he walked through the Klutch Sports offices in downtown LA. "So what do you think?"

"It all sounds great, I mean it's a lot to think about."

"I'm telling you, you can't go wrong here, regardless of who the agent is."

Juan had been encouraged to look into management for upcoming contracts, sponsorships, etc. his career was heating up and it only made sense to take the load off and focus on the sport itself. His doubts had a lot to do with the fact that until now, him and Cynatra handled everything regarding that portion of his career. He has no idea how she would respond to no longer having a hand in it once he signed.

Speaking of, her caller ID moved across the screen. He smiled in contentment as he answered. "Hey Amor, how you doing?"

"I should be asking you that. You been gone all morning. I miss you." She laughed. "I miss you too, I'll see you this afternoon for lunch."

"You're not coming to the meeting?" Cynatra expected him to attend with her, but it seemed he had other plans.
"I got practice."

"Okay, I'll see you at the game then."

Juan chuckled, she know she heard him say 'see you at lunch'. "So you don't wanna get food?"

"Juan, going to lunch is unrealistic when you can't make the meeting because of practice. You would have to leave Staples."

"It's Crypto." He interrupted. "It's Staples. My daddy called it Staples, ima call it Staples! Anyways, the point is once you're in the arena it's no point in leaving."

"I'm so glad you could make it. I know it's a little hike but this is the best place to see what we have to offer." Cynatra and Vanessa walked around the grounds. There were photos of athletes who came to train the kids of the academy and got to train with Kobe.

"Not a problem. The place I ordered my car from knew exactly where they were going anyways. I love this place." Cynatra gushed as the details of the architecture stuck out.

"Mrs. Bryant, you have another guest." Tommy, a coach at the academy announced. Vanessa wasn't expecting anyone else, but allowed Tommy to lead them into the gym.

"Oh, I'm so glad you were able to make it too!" Vanessa clapped. Cynatra looked over to see her boyfriend and business partner with a goofy ass look on his face. The face she made to hide her smile caused him to laugh.

"I thought you had practice."

"Trust me, I do. But, I told Steve and Myers what it was for and they said community first, basketball second and, also be prepared to get worked heavily when I come back."

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