53 x Cling to Me

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"You've been in that iPad all morning Ro, what have you been looking at?" Cynatra was tired of being ignored and Juan had been distracted.

He had been looking at houses, truly falling down the rabbit hole and couldn't get out of it. "I'm sorry. I'll put it away." He chuckled locked the device placing it aside. "It's no point now, I'm about to get in the shower anyways."

"I'll join you." Cynatra put her hand up to stop him, "Nope buddy, you can stay right there." She didn't have time to get caught up with him and she needed to meet with counsel about the robbery and assault case.

Juan watched as she walked into the bathroom, not bothering to close the door. The night gown she worn landed right below the cuff of her ass. He noticed that it had gotten bigger and it delighted him to see. Her hair was already out of her face as she began looking for her skincare products. She truly had double of everything between both homes.

Getting up, Juan followed her into the bathroom. He hugged her from behind earning a giggle from her lips. "Oh now you're paying attention?"

"I always pay attention to you. Like the fact that you kept twitching in your sleep last night, or the fact that you place my hand on your stomach when its on your waist so I could feel the baby. You barely wear underwear anymore, you stopped wearing jeans, there's three different cheeses in my fridge and they're all yours. I found a stash of jalapeños in your nightstand. I pay attention to you."

"Those were lucky observations." He scoffs, "Stop playing with me. I know everything about you."

"What am I thinking right now?" Kissing the side of her face, he laughed. He noticed the moment he walked into the bathroom, she closed her legs so either she was horny or she was making space in the bathroom.

"That you want me to put you on this counter."

"I do." She smirked, she loved being close to Juan in anyway but right now, she wanted him to be inside of her. It had been a week since their hotel fun in Boston. It would only be a quickie, but that would do.

"How you want it?"

"Let's not break a mirror this time." She jokes. They had broken the mirror in her downstairs bathroom before and it was not a happy clean up, but it gave her a reason to start remodeling the bathroom. Something she later found out she didn't have to pay for.

Juan turns her around placing both hands on the sink counter. Pushing her hair to one side of her neck, he kissed the exposed area. His plump pink lips making a trail along her brown skin resulted in soft moans from his lover. "I gotta leave in a half an hour."

"I gotchu mama." By now he stepped out of his boxers and lifted her nightgown up. His firm hands exploring her inner thighs, opening her legs more.

Juan positioned himself to enter her from behind. His precum already coating her lips as he pushed past them. Cynatra gasped as he filled her. "You squeezing kinda tight, you gotta let up." He kissed her ear as she began to relax.

Her essence dripped down her legs as they connected with one another. Biting her lip to suppress her moans, she opened her eyes to see Juan staring at her. "You look so fucking good." He complimented as she allowed a string of curse words to leave her mouth.

"Look at you being a good girl."

"Mhm I am." She nodded profusely as her climax was coming sharp and quickly.

Cynatra came first and Juan followed soon after. "Now hurry up and get home. I wanna see you before I gotta leave."

Cynatra took a quick shower, without Juan and made her way down town to the district attorney's office. As she walked into the building, there were people who recognized her. She smiled and waved as she met with the District Attorney on the robbery case.

"Good morning Ms. Allen, sorry to keep you away from your duties as a pillar in the community." They shook hands.

"I had time in my day. I really wanted to take this meeting. So what can I do for you?"

Loni Johnson, was the active DA in Oakland and she was going to make it her mission to win this case. "I'm gonna give it to you straight. Right now, his lawyer is arguing you fired an unregistered gun."

"That gun has been registered in California for the last five years. There's no way. And I provided that information."

Cynatra couldn't believe that anyone would try to use that as a defense. "They're claiming because it's not in your name, it shouldn't apply."

"My father bought that gun, registered that gun. It was in the house, his house that was in the midst of being robbed when I shot it. Plus I'm licensed to carry. That's insane. He broke in and he's trying to make me defending myself unlawful? He broke my fucking ribs."

Loni could understand why Cynatra was upset, "Listen, I'm sorry for my outburst, but this is so ridiculous Mrs. Johnson."

Juan could see that there was something wrong the moment she came back into the space. He was in the kitchen and the scowl on her face as she placed her keys down told her it didn't go well.

"What they say?"

Although she didn't want to talk about it, she knew it would be most helpful to. "They're trying to say shooting him was unlawful because the gun wasn't in my name. I swear to God that's bullshit Juan." Cynatra was getting worked up and he didn't like it one bit.

"Cynatra look at me." She took a few deep breaths before looking back at him. "I'm with you. Ain't shit about to throw you off course. You're gonna beat that dispute. We gonna go through it together. Okay?"

"Okay." He wiped the stay tears from her face and kissed her cheeks. "Alright, it's time to lay down."

A few hours later...

"Would you let me go?" Juan laughed as he was trying to leave out the door, but for some reason his pregnant counterpart was being clingy. "No, stay with me."

Cynatra's arms were around his neck and her legs were wrapped around his waist. "As much as I would love to have that ass in the air again, I have to go to work. You can be all over me after the game."


"Don't be like that Cynatra, c'mon." She walked away from him, her attitude was on 10. Her three month check up was in two days, she was feeling it. Reasons why this morning went the way it did. He placed his duffle bag down, following her back into his room.

"Amor." She ignored him, opening her laptop to finish work. Juan laid in the bed next to her. "Baby, don't be like that. You know I wanna lay with you."

"Go to work Juan."
"You know you're a brat right?"

She shrugged, she knew she was and it only got worse with time. "Gimme a kiss." Cynatra grabbed his chin, kissing him. She bit his lip, causing his mouth to open. His hands on her thighs as they made out with one another.

"I know I'm a brat. I'll see you later." She pecked his lips again before going back to work.

Juan was on fire on the court, three blocks, two steals and ten points during his time in the game. Once he sat down on the bench, he used his towel to wipe the access sweat from his forehead. There was something bothering him, as if there was a presence in the area that was unwanted. He couldn't place it, he didn't see anything or anyone that stood out.

Juan caught Cynatra's gaze giving her a look, she smiled at him noticing something was different. For some reason she looked around feeling that same unwanted presence. And that's when she laid eyes on someone she hadn't seen since she was a teenager.

Antonio Anderson.

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