15 x Prove It

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"I can't believe my eyes." Damion smiled as Juan and Cynatra entered the house together.

"Cyn!" Sydel yelled, jumping up from the couch.

"Hey girl," she greeted, she was surprised anyone would be this excited to see her.

She had spoken to Sydel a few times, attended two spin classes with her. They were warming up to each other.

"How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you? How's my lil donut doing?" Cyn asked referring to Daxon.

"He's here, you wanna meet him?"

Cynatra's heart warmed because her baby fever was on high alert. The idea of a family definitely was growing on her too.

"You're doing great already." Juan gave her a kiss on the forehead before greeting his teammates and their families.

"Look who it is!" Gary yelled running over to him.

Jordan wasn't too far behind so he met all of them in the foyer.

"I see you bought Miss Boss Lady with you. JP neglected to bring Venom but we'll get in him later."

"Ricki gonna beat your ass talking about her like that."

"How's she gonna know, you gonna tell her? Anyways, how's that going?" Gary pointed at Cynatra holding baby Daxon.

"I mean, we're good. I'm glad she wanted to come."

Ayesha and Hazel join Cynatra and Sydel in an area away from the men.

"I'm so glad you could make it. Mariah and Looney will be here soon. Wiggins and Mychal are parking."

"I'm happy to finally get a chance to talk to you!" Hazel beamed.
"I'm happy too, I was tired of seeing you in passing." Cynatra smiled back.

"He's taking to you so quickly." Sydel admired.

"Cause you know what it is, right donut?" She cooed at the small child who threw a fit of giggles.

"You interested in having kids?" Ayesha asked handing everyone a glass of champagne.

"I'm glad you asked it like that instead of saying 'when are you having kids?' You know people be invasive like that."

"I'm glad I'm not the only one." Sydel agreed.

"But yeah , I am. Eventually I do want a family. My career just started going off so it'll probably be awhile."

"So wait, you're single right?" Sydel asks.

"I am, yeah." She looks at the three of them wondering what the follow question was. "Y'all got somebody for me?"

Ayesha choked on her drink, Hazel began cackling and Sydel smirked.

"She's a funny one, I like her." Hazel was already entertained. "I think we do."

"Oh really? What's he like?"

"Well for one, he's tall. That's a plus." Ayesha started. "He's athletic."
"He's funny!" Hazel added, "oh and handsome."

"Handsome? Tall? Sounds good, keep going."

"From what I know he's considerate. Oh, loves food!"

"And anyone who loves food is good in Esh's book. He's financially stable because he owns a business."

"Damn, he sounds like a catch, now why is he single?" Cynatra laughed, seeing where this was going.

"We think he's waiting on love, you know a hopeless romantic." Sydel wiggled her brows.
"Tell him to give me a call, I might have some time for him."

Kindred Spirits | Juan Toscano-AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now